Ø Excuse me, Miss, Could you help me with something?
Ø 打扰一下,小姐,你能帮我一下吗?
Ø Sure,How can I help?
Ø 好的,我能帮你什么?
Ø I need to transfer flights and I'm not sure how to.
Ø 我需要转机,但是我不知道怎么转机。
Ø Oh,okay. I can help you.
Ø Where are you flying to and at what time?
Ø 哦,好的,我能帮你,你要去哪儿?什么时候起飞?
Ø I'm flying to New York at 10:30 on flight HX 1337.
Ø 我要乘10:30的航班HX337去纽约。
Ø Okay, Well,let's find your flight on these TV screens, Here we go, You should go to gate 18.
Ø 好的,我在电视屏幕上帮你找下,找到了你应该去18号登机口。
Ø Great.How do I get there?
Ø 太好了,我要怎么去?
Ø Just follow the signs. You have to go through security again, After that, you can go to your gate.
Ø 跟着指示牌走,你需要再过一次安检,然后才能去登机口。
Ø Thank you so much.
Ø 非常感谢!