第1688期:Should you play fantasy sports?

第1688期:Should you play fantasy sports?


Would you be good at managing a top-level sports team? Do you have the tactics and know-how to be the next Jurgen Klopp? Well, you can find out by playing fantasy sports!

你会擅长管理顶级运动队吗?你有成为下一个 Jurgen Klopp 的战术和诀窍吗?好吧,你可以通过玩梦幻运动来找出答案!

While football fans across the globe observe victories, losses and draws of real matches this season, over nine million people will play Premier Fantasy Football, according to the Premier League. And it’s not just football, but also baseball, basketball and cricket to name just a few fantasy sports you can join.

根据英超联赛的数据,在全球球迷观察本赛季真实比赛的胜利、失败和平局的同时,将有超过 900 万人参加英超梦幻足球赛。不仅是足球,还有棒球、篮球和板球等等您可以参加的奇幻运动。

In a fantasy league, you get an imaginary budget which you can spend on your squad, selecting any players that compete in the actual sport of your chosen league. Of course, better players cost more! As the real games play out, so does your fictional team.


Doesn’t sound up your street? You may well have been pressured into competing in a league against your friends or colleagues against your better judgment, but, according to research, playing fantasy sports can actually benefit you. Some people find they enjoy the camaraderie that comes with it even if they’re not a fan of the sport itself. In fact, a US Quantum Workplace survey found that co-workers who play in a fantasy league together, bond better. They scored more highly in teamwork and trust than those who play, but not with colleagues. Plus, friendly competition gives you something to chitchat over when enjoying a hard-earned rest!

听起来不像你的街道吗?您可能已经被迫与您的朋友或同事在联盟中竞争,以违背您更好的判断力,但根据研究,玩幻想运动实际上可以使您受益。有些人发现他们喜欢随之而来的友情,即使他们不是这项运动本身的粉丝。事实上,美国 Quantum Workplace 的一项调查发现,一起玩梦幻联盟的同事关系更好。他们在团队合作和信任方面的得分高于那些玩游戏的人,但不是与同事一起玩。此外,友好的比赛让您在享受来之不易的休息时可以聊聊天!

Other pros are the brain training you get along with the entertainment. Strategy, tactical decision-making, budgeting and navigating large amounts of data are just some skills you need to do well in this kind of game.


So, get your team ready and good luck!



top-level 顶级的
tactics 战术
know-how 技能,诀窍
football fan 足球迷
victory 胜利
draw 平局,打平
Premier League 英格兰足球超级联赛
imaginary budget 虚拟的预算
squad 球队,运动队
play out 展开
fictional 虚构的
up your street 合你口味,为你所喜爱
against your better judgment 违心
camaraderie 友情
bond 团结,亲近
brain training 脑力训练
strategy 策略,战略
tactical 战术性的
decision-making 决策
navigate 浏览,处理

  • 化学生小张


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