Not all who wander are lost

Not all who wander are lost


Not all who wander are lost.

Just because you have no fixed abode and have a nomadic lifestyle, does not necessarily mean you are without purpose. Just because a person continually travels, does not mean they are lost. Be nice to people. You don't know what someone else is struggling with. Do not assume something by appearance because looks can be very deceiving. All that glitters is not gold. 

People who wander may just simply like to wander and have comfort in wandering, but that doesn't mean they are lost and helpless. That doesn't mean that they don't have goals or even opportunities to make better choices. If someone doesn't fit the mold in life, if they are outside the box or even think outside the box, it doesn't mean they are lost, it simply means that they are choosing their own path in life. Not everyone has to do the same thing as you. That is okay.

  • 焦溏拿铁
