Begin doing what you want to do now. You are not living in eternity

Begin doing what you want to do now. You are not living in eternity


Begin doing what you want to do now. You are not living in eternity.

One of the most important things that many people tend to forget or not think about, especially those who are younger in age is that life doesn't last forever. Though at times we may feel as though we are invincible, we aren't in any fashion, and the next minute, hour, nor day is promised to us. If we haven’t already we must choose to begin living our lives, and doing the things that we truly dream about doing, for we are not living in eternity.

It’s worth mentioning that there is only a limited amount of time that we have in this world, and we must make the best out of it at every possible minute we can. Before long, when the end of our lives draws near, we should be proud of ourselves and not regretful. We must strive for excellence now while we can, in order to leave the biggest mark of positivity on this world that we can. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand and melting like a snowflake. 

  • 焦溏拿铁
