发烧或受寒 fever or chills (catch a fever or chill)
咳嗽 cough
气短或呼吸困难 shortness of breath or have difficulty breathing
疲劳 fatigue
肌肉或身体疼痛 muscle or body aches
头痛 headache
失去味觉或嗅觉 new loss of taste or smell
喉咙痛 sore throat
鼻塞 runny nose/nasal congestion
虚弱 weakness
困倦 drowsiness
▍新冠症状表达 发烧或受寒 fever or chills (catch a fever or chill) 咳嗽 cough 气短或呼吸困难 shortness of breath or have difficulty breathing 疲劳 fatigue 肌肉或身体疼痛 muscle or body aches 头痛 headache 失去味觉或嗅觉 new loss of taste or smell 喉咙痛 sore throat 鼻塞 runny nose/nasal congestion 虚弱 weakness 困倦 drowsiness 恶心或呕吐