Ø Does this hotel have an exercise facility?
Ø 酒店有锻炼的设备吗?
Ø Of course . We have a great exercise facility.
Ø 当然有,我们有很棒的锻炼设备。
Ø Good. Now exactly where is it?
Ø 不错,具体在哪里?
Ø It's located right above our lobby,
Ø Just take the elevator or the stairs one flight up.
Ø 在我们大厅正上方,乘电梯或者走楼梯到上一层。
Ø Is this going to cost me anything?
Ø 需要另外付钱吗?
Ø No, ma'am, The gym is absolutely free,
Ø However,be sure to take your room key with you.
Ø 不用,健身房是完全免费的。但是请保管好您的房间钥匙。
Ø When does the gym open and close?
Ø 健身房什么时候开门和关门?
Ø The hours couldn't be better:24/7.
Ø 时间很好,是24小时营业的。
Ø Very good. Now ,is there a trainer up there?
Ø 太棒了,那边有训练师吗?
Ø I wish I could tell you yes, but no, there isn't.