【发音版】Losing Weight减肥

【发音版】Losing Weight减肥




A: Oh, man. I've been starving myself for days now, and I haven't lost an ounce. 天呐,如今我已经饿了好几天了,却一点也没减下来。
B: Are you trying to lose weight?你在努力减肥吗?
A: Yeah, my friend is getting married next month, and I'm supposed to be a bridesmaid. I have to fit into my dress and look nice for her wedding, but I haven't lost any weight. Look at these love handles.是呀,我朋友下个月结婚,我要做伴娘。我必须要穿上礼服,在她婚礼上漂亮些,但是我根本就没减肥,你看这些赘肉。
B: You don't have to starve yourself to lose weight. I think that's where you're going wrong.你没必要通过饿来减肥,我认为你方法错了。
A: Why? If I eat less, then my body will start eating away at my fat reserves right?为什么?如果我吃的少,那么身体就会消耗掉储存的多余的脂肪,不是吗?
B: Not really. You should try to not eat foods high in calories, salts or saturated fats. Stay away from oily food and artificial flavors.并非如此。你不应该吃高热量、高糖和高脂肪的食物。远离油炸食品和人造香料。
A: So you're saying that I should eat, but I should just watch what I eat?所以你是说我应该吃,但要慎重选择吃什么?
B: Yes. You can also try to reduce your intake of carbohydrates and foods that are high in cholesterol. You can have steamed veggies or increase your protein intake found in chicken or fish.是的,你应该少吃糖类和高胆固醇的食物。你可以吃些水煮的蔬菜,多吃些富含蛋白质的食物,比如鸡肉和鱼肉。
A: If I do all this, do you think I can lose twenty pounds in four weeks?如果按照你说的做,你认为四周内我能减掉20磅吗?
B: Don't count on it. 别指望了。


and Idaɪ

lost an ounce→dən

friend is→dɪ

and I'm→daɪ

supposed to be ajə

fit into→dɪ

but Idaɪ

lost any weight→de

look at these→kədɪ

stay away→jə

what I eat→daɪ

intake of→kə

that are→dɑː

found in→dɪ

pounds in→dzɪ

count on it→dɑːnɪ

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