74. all kinds of feelings各种各样的感觉

74. all kinds of feelings各种各样的感觉


74.all kinds of feelings

Do you have lots of different feelings?

Let’s talk about them.

When do you feel happy?

What makes you feel sad?

What do you do when you feel bored? 

What happens when you feel curious?

When have you done that felt clumsy?

What do you do when you feel shy?

How do you act when you feel friendly?

What happens when you feel loud?

Where do you like to be when you feel quiet?

When have you felt naughty?

What do you do when you feel nice?

What makes you feel nervous?

When have you felt brave?

It’s okay to have lots of different feelings.

Now you can talk about them.

  • 南雁辞


  • 听友441861231
