


China’s Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST) discovered the biggest atomic cloud in the universe by far, which is 20 times larger than our Milky Way galaxy. The scientists found a mammoth low-density gaseous structure existed in a relatively far location from the center of a group of galaxies known as Stephan’s Quintet. The discovery challenges the current understanding of how the galaxies and the gaseous structure evolved in the universe as the atomic gas with low density should have been destroyed by the ultraviolet radiation in the cosmic background based on current theories.

①China’s Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST) discovered the biggest atomic cloud in the universe by far, which is 20 times larger than our Milky Way galaxy.

1. China’s Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST) 中国天眼

aperture n. 小孔,缝隙;孔径,口径
spherical adj. 球形的,球状的

Most planets are spherical objects.

radio telescope 射电望远镜

2. atomic cloud 原子云

3. by far 大大地,……得多

②The scientists found a mammoth low-density gaseous structure existed in a relatively far location from the center of a group of galaxies known as Stephan’s Quintet.

1. mammoth n. 猛犸象;庞然大物 adj. 极其巨大的,庞大的

a mammoth task 巨大的任务
a financial crisis of mammoth proportions 极其严重的金融危机

2. low-density adj. 低密度的

density n. 密度,浓度
population density 人口密度
high density 高密度

3. gaseous structure 气体结构

gaseous adj. 似气体的,含气体的
a gaseous mixture 气体混合物
in gaseous form 气态

structure n. 结构,构造
Your essay needs a structure.

4. relatively adv. 相当地,相对地

I found the test relatively easy.
We had relatively few applications for the job.

relatively speaking 相对而言

5. Stephan’s Quintet 斯蒂芬五重星

quintet n. 五重奏乐团,五重唱组合;五个一组,五件一套,五位一队
a string quintet 弦乐五重奏

③The discovery challenges the current understanding of how the galaxies and the gaseous structure evolved in the universe as the atomic gas with low density should have been destroyed by the ultraviolet radiation in the cosmic background based on current theories.

1. challenge v. 挑战,质疑,怀疑;考查能力,考验

She does not like anyone challenging her authority.
The job doesn’t really challenge her.

2. evolve v. 逐渐演变,逐步发展;进化

evolution n. 进化
Darwin’s theory of evolution 达尔文的进化论

  • 肉肉的南尼
