06上 | 会当凌绝顶,俯瞰好风景

06上 | 会当凌绝顶,俯瞰好风景



旅途偶遇一老头,为了让管家爬山各种神招式:夸其有好腿fit legs,夸其好身段in good shape,夸山顶有仙境best view in England,激将警告大法if you miss it when you can reach it, you gonna miss it when you lose it. 


In any case, I am very glad I did so.

Certainly, it was quite a strenuous walk - though I can say it failed to cause me any real difficulty - the path rising in zigzags up the hillside for a hundred yards or so. I then reached a small clearing, undoubtedly the spot the man had referred to. Here one was met by a bench - and indeed, by a most marvellous view over miles of the surrounding countryside.

What I saw was principally field upon field rolling off into the far distance. The land rose and fell gently, and the fields were bordered by hedges and trees. There were dots in some of the distant fields which I assumed to be sheep. To my right, almost on the horizon, I thought I could see the square tower of a church.

It was a fine feeling indeed to be standing up there like that, with the sound of summer all around one and a light breeze on one's face. And I believe it was then, looking on that view, that I began for the first time to adopt a frame of mind appropriate for the journey before me. For it was then that I felt the first healthy flush of anticipation for the many interesting experiences I know these days ahead hold in store for me. And indeed, it was then that I felt a new resolve not to be daunted in respect to the one professional task I have entrusted myself with on this trip; that is to say, regarding Miss Kenton and our present staffing problems. 

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  • Steven_xu

    lt is a very good to learn for me,thank you!!