


46 The stout captain
As the proverb said, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Hooked by the caption's
Advertisement, the writer gave up his cosy life and grasped the chance to secretly get aboard the ship, which was full of spider webs. Luckily, being tactful, he was liked by the captain and later became a chef of no rank after overcoming seasickness
When the ship was crushed by ice, it was so urgent that there was no time to mourn.With God’s blessing, the stewards collected enough stoves, foods, and bedding. Foreseeing the unbearable suffering, the stout captain asked his men to swear to do as he advocated: keep cheerful and never give way to feeling discouraged.He also set out a fair framework for their life to reduce selfish deeds, odd behaviours or unfair punishment. His perseverance and optimism were vital to strengthen their faith of survival and morale. Then without delay having given his commitment to return, the captain selected 5 loyal and dynamic stewards to bring help.
Living in this freezing circumstance needed special caution and endurance.Booming blasts of wind, which the small huts couldn't block out made them breathless. Evervone suffered from sun-blindness and blackened rotten toes They were bored with seal meat and liver, their regular and unchangeable food, which made their stool rather hard. Burning seal fat gave off black smoke which caused everyone to have hoarse voices
Anyhow, they survived and was filled with gratitude for their admirable captain.(233word/62new)

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