Lesson 46: May I Borrow That? 我能借一下吗?(订阅+关注,五星好评)

Lesson 46: May I Borrow That? 我能借一下吗?(订阅+关注,五星好评)


Lesson 46: May I Borrow That? 我能借一下吗?

Anna: Have a nice day at work Marsha!

Marsha: You too, Anna. Oh, wait. Do you have pen and paper I can borrow?

Anna: Of course.

Marsha: We are meeting at this restaurant tonight.

Anna: What is happening tonight?

Marsha: Today is my birthday. We are celebrating at 7pm tonight. Did you forget?

Anna: Sorry, Marsha! I gotta go! See you later!

Marsha: Don't forget! Tonight … 7pm!

Anna: I forgot Marsha’s birthday! And I don’t get my paycheck until next week. I know. I'll make her a gift. I’ll just have to borrow a couple of things.

Anna: Amelia, may I borrow your stapler?

Amelia: Sure. I can lend you my stapler, Anna. But please return it. It’s my favorite stapler.

Anna: You can trust me. I understand. One time, I loaned my stapler to the wrong person.

Anna: Thanks, Amelia.

Amelia: Don’t mention it. Bye, stapler!

Anna: Jonathan! Can I borrow your scissors?

Jonathan: Oh! Hi, Anna! What’re you doing?

Anna: Can I borrow your scissors? Sorry to bother you.

Jonathan: Yes, I can lend them to you, but you must return them. These scissors -- they are the sharpest scissors in the office. Watch.

Anna: Wow, those are sharp. I will be very careful.

Jonathan: Okay.

Anna: And I’ll bring them back tomorrow.

Jonathan: Good.

Anna: Thank you.

Jonathan: You're welcome.

Anna: Happy Birthday, Marsha! (gives Marsha a gift)

Marsha: Thanks, Anna! I love birthday gifts! Anna, it is … interesting. What is it?

Anna: Well, I know you love hats. And you need office supplies. So, this is your own office supply hat!

Marsha: Wow! That is a lot of office supplies!

Anna: Many people loaned or shared their supplies with me. Some people really love their office supplies. It has paper, pens, tape, erasers, rubber bands, binder clips, paper clips, and a light!

Marsha: What is the balloon for?

Anna: The balloon will help your friends find you. Let’s try it! You get a seat in the restaurant - I will find you!

Anna: Sometimes all the money in the world can’t buy the perfect gift. Until next time!

