354.Waiting for Friday

354.Waiting for Friday


Monday is the first day of the week. He did not like Mondays. He had to go to work. He worked at the post office. The post office was far away. He drove to work. It was a thirty-minute drive. Mondays were the worst. Tuesdays were just as bad. He did not like Tuesdays. He complained at work. "It is barely Tuesday?" he would ask. He could not wait for it to be Friday again. Wednesdays were better than Tuesdays. Wednesdays were far better than Mondays. Wednesday is known as "hump day". This means it is the midpoint of the week. Wednesday is the day after Tuesday. He still did not like Wednesdays. Thursdays were better. He liked Thursdays. Thursday is the unofficial start of the weekend. Thursday is the day after Wednesday. More importantly, it is the day before Friday. Friday is his favorite day of the week.
first day 星期日
did not 没有 ; 未 ; 的缩写
go to work 着手工作
post office 邮局 ; 邮政部门 ; 邮政系统
far away 在远处 ; 远方的 ; 老早老早以前的 ; 走神的
just as 正像 ; 正在…的时候
at work 干活儿;做工作;忙着做事 ; 起作用;发挥效用
wait for it 注意了,听好了
better than 比…好
known as 被称为 ; 被认为是 ; 以…而闻名
周一是一周的第一天。他不喜欢星期一。他不得不去工作。他在邮局工作。邮局离这里很远。他开车去上班。开车要30分钟。周一是最糟糕的。星期二也一样糟糕。他不喜欢星期二。他在工作中抱怨。"他问道:"现在还不是星期二?他迫不及待地想再见到星期五。周三比周二好。星期三比星期一好得多。星期三被称为 "驼峰日"。这意味着它是一周的中点。星期三是星期二的后一天。他仍然不喜欢星期三。星期四更好。他喜欢星期四。周四是周末的非官方开始。星期四是星期三的第二天。更重要的是,它是星期五的前一天。星期五是他一周中最喜欢的一天。

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