彼特潘 Peter Pan Chapter 04

彼特潘 Peter Pan Chapter 04


[00:00:00.00]Chapter 4 The Mermaid's Lagoon

[00:00:05.30]One summer evening, Peter, Wendy, John Michael and the Lost Boys go to the Mermaid's Lagoon. 

[00:00:17.90]Beautiful mermaids live there and they are Peter's friends. 

[00:00:23.10]They swim and play in the blue lagoon. 

[00:00:26.80]Then they sit on Marooner's Rock to comb their long hair. 

[00:00:32.50]They sit in the sun and laugh.

[00:00:35.80]The children like the mermaids and John says, 

[00:00:40.10]"I want to catch one!" 

[00:00:42.20]He tries, but the mermaid jumps into the water.

[00:00:46.10]Peter says, 

[00:00:50.60]"It is very difficult to catch a mermaid."

[00:00:53.50]Suddenly someone says, "Look, the pirates are coming!"

[00:00:58.00]A small boat with two pirates is coming to lagoon. 

[00:01:02.20]John, Michael and the Lost Boys jump off the rock and swim away. 

[00:01:07.80]But Wendy stays with Peter. 

[00:01:13.40]They hide behind the rock. 

[00:01:16.10]Peter sees Tiger Lily. 

[00:01:18.50]She is sittingin the small boat. 

[00:01:21.70]Poor Tiger Lily is a prisoner of the pirates.

[00:01:25.50]"Let's leave her on this rock. 

[00:01:27.30]When the sea rises,she will die!" says Smee. 

[00:01:30.90]The two pirates laugh. 

[00:01:35.20]It is already night and it is very dark.

[00:01:38.50]Peter wants to save Tiger Lily 

[00:01:41.20]and thinks of something intelligent. 

[00:01:43.70]He imitates Captain Hook's voice and says, 

[00:01:47.10]"Cut the ropes and let her go! 

[00:01:49.40]Do as I say, you idiots! Let her go!" 

[00:01:52.30]The two pirates are amazed.

[00:01:54.80]"Can you hear hook's voice?" asks Smee.

[00:01:57.70]"Yes, but what do we do?" asks Starkey.

[00:02:00.60]"We must obey him and cut the ropes," says Smee.

[00:02:04.20]They cut the ropes and Tiger Lily is free.

[00:02:10.90]She quickly jumps into the water and swims away.

[00:02:14.60]Captain Hook sees everything and he is furious.

[00:02:19.50]"That horried Peter Pan! 

[00:02:22.10]This time I must attack him," he says.

[00:02:25.20]He swims to the rock and fights with Peter. 

[00:02:29.50]It is a long fight.

[00:02:32.10]The Captain hurts Peter with his hook, 

[00:02:34.90]but Peter fights courageously. 

[00:02:38.10]At last, Peter wins the fights and Hook swims back to the Jolly Roger.

[00:02:44.10]Peter is now along on the rock with Wendy.

[00:02:47.80]"The sea is rising and we are in great danger here.

[00:02:51.30]We must leave this rock," says Peter.

[00:02:54.00]"Oh, Peter, I am very tired 

[00:02:57.40]and I cannot swim or fly."

[00:02:59.90]He sees a big kite with a long tail. 

[00:03:02.90]It is flying slowly over the lagoon. 

[00:03:06.10]He takes the tail of the kite and says, 

[00:03:09.10]"Wendy, hold on to this tail and fly away with the kite." 

[00:03:12.90]Wendy flies away...

[00:03:14.80]"The sea is rising. I must fly away ," Peter thinks.

[00:03:19.00]When he gets home everyone is happy to see him 

[00:03:22.80]especially Wendy.

