



The Anna May Wong quarter dollar coinwill go into circulation in the US on Oct 25by the United State Mint , as oneof five women posthumously honored as part of the American Women’s QuartersProgram and will be the first Chinese woman to be inscribed on an Americancoin.

10月25日,美国造币厂将发行印有华裔女星黄柳霜(Anna May Wong)头像的25美分硬币。她是被追授该荣誉的五位女性之一,也将成为被刻上美国硬币的首位华人女性。

       The American Women Quarters Program isa four-year program that celebrates the accomplishments and contributions madeby women to the development and history of the US. Beginning in 2022, andcontinuing through 2025, the US Mint will issue up to five new reversedesigns each year.


       The front of the coin features GeorgeWashington, the founding father and first president of the United States, andthe reverse side features a prominent American woman. Women with diverse ethnicand regional backgrounds are honored for their outstanding contributions to theUnited States in the fields like battling for voting rights, civil rights, abolition and government.


       Anna May Wong was born Wong Liu-Tsong in1905 in Los Angeles to second-generation Chinese-American parents. Wongalways had an obsession with movies and often spent her time and money as a childseeing films in nickelodeon theaters. As early as the age ofnine, Wong began asking filmmakers for roles, and by age 11 she had come upwith her stage name: Anna May Wong.

1905年1月3日,黄柳霜出生在洛杉矶唐人街一户开洗衣店的贫穷家庭。她从小就对电影很感兴趣,甚至会攒钱逃课溜进片场观摩。年仅9岁的她开始向制片人投递简历,11岁那年,她给自己取了艺名:Anna MayWong。

       Anna MayWong is considered by many to be the first Chinese-American Hollywood moviestar. Shestarred in dozens of productions, with some of the more famous ones being ShanghaiExpress (1932), Bits of Life (1921), and The Toll of theSea (1922), which was one of the very first films made in color.


      She was a figure of exoticfashion around the world, feted by high society in London, Berlin andelsewhere. In1934, the Mayfair Mannequin Society of New York voted her the "world'sbest dressed woman"; in 1938 Look magazine named her the "world'smost beautiful Chinese girl." 

此外,她也是异国时尚界的宠儿,深受伦敦、柏林等地上流社会的追捧。1934年,黄柳霜被纽约模特组织 Mayfair Mannequin Society 誉为“全球衣品最佳女性”。1938年,美国《展望》杂志称其为“全球最美华裔女孩”。

       Throughouther 40-year career, Anna May Wong battled racism in Hollywood. The limited leading roles, the rigidcasting and the huge pay gap between her and other white co-stars were allexamples of the inequities of the industry at the time.


       In The Toll of the Sea, sheplayed a character named Lotus Flower who falls in love with an American manonly to be abandoned by him. At the end of the film, Lotus Flower takes her ownlife. The term "lotus flower" would go on to representthe stereotype of a disposable female Asian love interest. Anotherstereotype, "the dragon lady," the kind of very barbarousand villainous kind of seductress, also stemmed from one of Wong's most prominent roles, 1931's Daughter of theDragon.

在电影《海逝》中,黄柳霜饰演的角色名叫莲花,爱上了一个美国男人,却被他抛弃,最终含恨自戕。“莲花”因而代指一种刻板印象:亚洲女性恋爱时常常遭遇始乱终弃。而另一个刻板印象,“龙女(the dragon lady)”,也源于黄柳霜最著名的角色之一,出自1931年的《龙的女儿》,往往象征着野蛮而邪恶的引诱者。

       Wong wasalso vocal about her frustrations with Hollywood, and she worked against the limitations. "I was so tired of the parts Ihad to play," she said in an interview with Film Weekly. "Whyis it that the screen Chinese is nearly always the villain of the piece, and socruel a villain — murderous, treacherous, a snake in the grass. We are not likethat."


       She broke through the barriers ofpolitics, race and gender, and became a remarkable international star amid theanti-Chinese trend and skepticism, leaving a unique oriental phantom in theshinning golden age of film history. In the 1930s, she returned to China andsupported anti-Japanese war by selling off her jewelry.


Six decades after her death, Wong'slegacy lives on in film and fashion: her iconic looks revived 1920s modernstyles, and her patriotic love as well as anti-racism lives on today.



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  • 我肯定要听英语听力呀

    打卡!Ann May wang

  • 破碎淋雨一起走


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  • 天宁之逸


    Lily_宿鸟流萤 回复 @天宁之逸: 是真人哦

  • 郭璇豆豆

    Good morning!上午好呀!

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