进阶英语听力训练 18 |附测试题及答案

进阶英语听力训练 18 |附测试题及答案


A couple 1___ for over 60 years.They shared everything,talked about everything and 2___ except that the woman had a box in a drawer thay she had cautioned her husband 3___ open or ask her about.
He’d never thought about it 4___. One day the woman got very sick and the doctor said she 5___. To sort out their affairs, the husband took down the box and brought it to his wife’s bedside.She agreed 6___ he should know what was in the box.
7___, he found two small table mats and a sum of money totaling $25,000.He asked her about 8___.“When we 9___,”she said,“my grandma told me the secret of happy marriage was 10___, and 1 should just keep quiet and make a mat if I got angry with you.”
The man was so moved that he had to 11___.She had only been angry with him twice in all those years of 12___!“Honey,”he said, that explains the mats, but what about the money? Where did it come from?”
“Oh.” she said, “that’s the money I made from selling them”
1.had been married
2.kept no secrets from each other
3.never to
4.ever since
5.wouldn’t recover
6.it was time that
7.Opening it
8.the contents
9.were to be married
10.never to argue
11.fight back tears
12.living and loving
  • doublekilled


    青帝小筑里的冰菓 回复 @doublekilled: 女人的妈妈叫奶奶

  • 带着露珠的向日葵

    我觉得标题可以是a secret box

    青帝小筑里的冰菓 回复 @带着露珠的向日葵: you know what I want