93. 李小龙对于功夫的定义

93. 李小龙对于功夫的定义

Kungfu is originated in China;it is the ancestor of Karate and Jiujitsu. It’s more of a complete system. It’s more fluid. By that I mean, it’s more flowing. There is continuity in movement instead of one or two movements and stop. The best example of Kungfu is a glass of water, because water is the softest substance in the world. Yet it can penetrate the hardest rock or anything, granite(花岗岩), you name it. Water also is insubstantial. By that I mean, you cannot grasp or hold it. You cannot punch it or hurt it. So every Kungfu man is trying to do that, to be soft like water and flexible and adapt itself to the opponent.功夫起源于中国,它是空手道与柔道的祖先,它是一个完整的体系,更加流畅。我的意思是,它更具流动性,动作与动作之间具有连贯性,而不是单纯一个动作或两个动作。解释功夫最好的例子就是一杯水,因为水是世界上最柔软的东西,但是它却可以穿透最硬的石头或其他任何事物,随便你怎么举例。水同样也是非物质性的,你抓不住也握不住它,你打不中它也伤不到它。因此,所有学习功夫的人都想努力成为水的样子,像它一样柔软,灵活,且能根据对手的变化去适应它。
  • 我本是微尘


  • 给她买榴莲
