


Kazuo Inamori, one of Japan's most influential entrepreneurs, died at the age of 90 on August 24th. Inamori founded Kyocera, then Kyoto Ceramic, in 1959 as a maker of fine ceramics, with the business becoming a leading supplier of components for smartphones and cars. He also helped rebuild Japan Airlines as chairman in 2010 and successfully led the company to be relisted on the Tokyo Stock Exchange 2 years and 8 months after going bankrupt.

①Kazuo Inamori, one of Japan's most influential entrepreneurs, died at the age of 90 on August 24th. 

1. influential adj. 有影响力的

the most influential figures 最具影响力的人

She is strongly influential over the decisions I make.

have an influence on/over sb./sth. 对……有影响
His family have been a very positive influence on him.

positive influence 积极影响
negative influence 负面影响
social influence 社会影响

2. entrepreneur n. 企业家

entrepreneurial adj. 企业家的
entrepreneurial management 企业管理
entrepreneurial spirit 企业精神
entrepreneurial opportunity 创业机遇

②Inamori founded Kyocera, then Kyoto Ceramic, in 1959 as a maker of fine ceramics, with the business becoming a leading supplier of components for smartphones and cars.

1. found v. 创建,创办

He founded Japan’s second largest telecommunications company KDDI in 1984.

2. ceramic n. 陶瓷制品 adj. 陶瓷的

an exhibition of ceramics 陶瓷作品展
ceramic bowls 陶瓷碗
ceramic tiles 瓷砖

3. maker n. 生产商

manufacturer n. 生产商,制造商
provider/supplier n. 供应商
agent n. 代理商

4. component n. 零部件;组成部分

The management plan has four main components.

③He also helped rebuild Japan Airlines as chairman in 2010 and successfully led the company to be relisted on the Tokyo Stock Exchange 2 years and 8 months after going bankrupt.

1. rebuild v. 重建

re- 再一次
rename v. 重命名
reconstruct v. 重建,改造
rearrange v. 重新安排
relist v. 重新上市

2. chairman n. 主持人;领导者(chair)

She is the chair of the committee.

3. lead sth. to do 带领……

4. go bankrupt 破产

His company was declared bankrupt.

file for bankruptcy 申请破产
declare bankruptcy 宣告破产

  • 神行者2024

    declare宣告,bankruptcy破产,manufacturer生产商,manufacture生产制造,ceramic陶瓷制品,ceramics陶瓷艺术,陶瓷制品,ceramic tile瓷砖

  • 神行者2024
