103.If Anything Can Go Wrong, It Will “莫非”坏事真的发生了

103.If Anything Can Go Wrong, It Will “莫非”坏事真的发生了


103. If Anything Can Go Wrong, It Will“莫非”坏事真的发生了


墨菲定律(Murphy`s Law)据说是科学家及科技人员(Scientists and technologists)十分相信的法则,就是:如果有什么事可能出错的话,那就绝对会出错(If anything can go wrong, it will)。当你有了一丝怀疑,墨菲定律通常就表现出来了(Murphy`s Law usually when you have doubts),也就是说,一定会出差错。说的更白一些,就是“有可能出错的事就一定会出错(whatever can go wrong will go wrong)。”懂了吗?你是否也同意这种说法呢?

Have you ever tried hard to finish your homework, only to find that the teacher was sick the next day? Or have you spoken to someone you really like and then found out you had food in your teeth?

There is a name for this phenomenon: Murphy`s Law. It was named after Captain Edward Murphy, a U.S. Air Force engineer. In 1949, Captain Murphy cursed at one of his men who had made a mistake, and said,“If there is any way to do it wrong, he`ll find it.”

At that time, there was already an English saying:”If anything can go wrong, it will.” Someone who worked with captain Murphy renamed the saying Murphy`s Law. Shortly after, the term was used in an Air Force press conference and the name stuck ever since.





