第1553期:Is doodling good for you?

第1553期:Is doodling good for you?


Do you sometimes find yourself drawing random patterns and designs during meetings and lectures? Some people believe it shows you aren’t listening or paying attention. However, there are studies which claim the opposite, and that doodling might actually be beneficial.


Doodling seems to be ubiquitous. In the past it was seen as a mindless activity and a product of the absentminded.  However, in 2016, an article on the Harvard University website discussed the idea that random drawings may assist memory retention and concentration.

涂鸦似乎无处不在。在过去,它被视为一种无意识的活动和心不在焉的产物。然而,在 2016 年,哈佛大学网站上的一篇文章讨论了随机绘图可能有助于记忆保持和集中的想法。

The article highlights that 26 of 44 American presidents were known to doodle, with Ronald Reagan famous for drawing cowboys. A 2009 study conducted by psychologist Jackie Andrade asked 40 people to listen to a ‘dull and rambling’ voice message. Half of the group were asked to doodle and shade in a picture. Those who did were able to recall 29% more of the information contained in the message.

文章强调,44 位美国总统中有 26 位以涂鸦而闻名,其中罗纳德·里根 (Ronald Reagan) 以画牛仔而闻名。心理学家杰基安德拉德在 2009 年进行的一项研究要求 40 人收听“沉闷而漫无边际”的语音信息。一半的小组被要求在图片中涂鸦和阴影。那些这样做的人能够多回忆 29% 的信息中包含的信息。

Some experts believe that embracing your creative and artistic sides during meetings may engage your mind. Jesse Prinz, a renowned professor of philosophy, actively encourages his students to doodle. He believes that doodling is the ‘attentional sweet spot’.

一些专家认为,在会议期间拥抱您的创意和艺术方面可能会吸引您的注意力。著名哲学教授杰西·普林茨(Jesse Prinz)积极鼓励他的学生涂鸦。他认为涂鸦是“注意力的最佳点”。

And it might not just be good for your concentration. An artist known as Mr Doodle has made a career out of his scribbles. He sells his art online and also goes to people’s homes to decorate their walls.


It seems that random drawing to aid concentration might be becoming more of a thing. People like Sunni Brown, an advocate for doodling, teach adults how to sketch and scribble in the workplace. So, the next time you see someone haphazardly drawing pictures during a meeting, it might be a sign that they are listening more than you think.



beneficial 有益的
ubiquitous 普遍存在的
mindless 盲目的
absentminded 心不在焉的
retention 保持,保留
concentration 注意力
highlight 强调
conduct 进行
rambling 杂乱无章的
recall 回想起
embrace 欣然接受
engage 使……感兴趣
renowned 有声望的
sweet spot “甜点”,最佳状态
scribble 乱涂乱画
decorate 装饰
a thing 一个潮流,一种时尚
advocate 支持者
sketch 素描,速写
haphazardly 随意地

