


最近刚好在参加北京国际电影节,和你们分享视频~ (视频已附中文字幕,英文字幕附后文)



Due to the pandemic, ticket sales in China for the first half of the year were down 38 percent from last year, totaling about 2.6 billion U.S. dollars.

But since June, more than 80 percent of theaters in China have remained open. Moreover, in July alone, box office totals had already recovered to the same level as last year.

What's more, China's summer movie season, which spans three months until the end of August, is a popular time for young people to go to the movies.

Big hits, such as "Lighting up the Stars" and "Moon Man," released during the summer holiday, are driving the sector's recovery. Data from ticketing platform Maoyan shows that "Moon Man"generated over 320 million U.S. dollars in the first 14 days after its release. It also broke 20 records, including the highest-grossing science fiction filmduringthe summer holiday and the highest number of showings in Chinese film history on its premiere day.

Following "Moon Man's" success, several Chinese filmshavebrought forward their release dates after being delayed due to the pandemic. For example, China's first science fiction mecha movie,"Warriors of Future,"was released seven days earlier than planned. It made over 100 million yuan, about 15 million U.S. dollars, in the first 11 hours after its release. It was the fifth movie to breakthe 100 million yuan mark duringthe summer holiday.

Furthermore,"The Fallen Bridge,"starring Wang Junkai and Ma Sichun, was released on Saturday last week, making over 5 million U.S. dollars on the first day. The film accounted for nearly 70 percent of all box office earnings across China that day, beating Moon Man asthe daily top-grossing movie.

So, with all these great movies and China's pandemic situation under control, investment bank China International Capital Corporation predicts that China's movie market will recover evenfaster after the summer holiday.

  • Zoey朱珠

    听到好感动 感恩陪伴和支持

  • 听友117570654


    Zoey朱珠 回复 @听友117570654: 谢谢你!最近一直出差太忙了 但会继续更新的 我尽快呜呜

  • 啊坤x理


    Zoey朱珠 回复 @啊坤x理: 听到好感动 感恩陪伴和支持

  • 1881501huox


    Zoey朱珠 回复 @1881501huox: 真棒~

  • Ennnn__


  • 听友411863894