


Fans were surprised after finding out that actress Sun Yi and her husband, actor Dong Zijian, have called it quits on their marriage. The couple, who announced their relationship in 2016, tied the knot a year later. Sun Yi once refuted rumors that she relied on her mother-in-law Wang Jinhua for resources. Wang is a famous agent for artists including Chen Daoming, Hu Jun and Li Bingbing.
①Fans were surprised after finding out that actress Sun Yi and her husband, actor Dong Zijian, have called it quits on their marriage. 

1. fan n. 迷,狂热爱好者

football fans 足球迷
movie fans 电影迷

a big fan of sb 特别喜欢某人
a big fan of Pavarotti 帕瓦罗蒂的狂热仰慕者

2. actress n. 女演员
actor n. 男演员

waiter n. 男服务员
waitress n. 女服务员
conductor n. 男指挥;男售票员
conductress n. 女指挥;女售票员

3. call it quits 停止,终止关系

The band decided to call it quits after the tour. 

②The couple, who announced their relationship in 2016, tied the knot a year later. 

1. tie v. 绑
knot n. 结

Chinese knot 中国结
tie the knot 永结同心,结婚(get married)

2. announce v. 宣告,宣布(declare)
announcement n. 公告,通告

They haven't formally announced their engagement yet. 

make an announcement 发表公告

③Sun Yi once refuted rumors that she relied on her mother-in-law Wang Jinhua for resources.

1. refute v. 驳斥,反驳

refute an argument 驳斥一个论点
refute a theory 驳斥一个理论

2. rumor n. 谣言

start a rumor 制造谣言
spread a rumor 传播谣言

3. rely on 依靠(depend on)
reliance n. 依靠

These days we rely heavily on computers to organize our work. 

I wouldn't place too much reliance on these figures.

4. mother-in-law 婆婆 / 岳母
father-in-law 公公 / 岳父
brother-in-law小舅子 / 小叔子
sister-in-law 小姨子 / 小姑子
son-in-law 女婿
daughter-in-law 儿媳妇

5. resource n. 资源
natural resources 自然资源
human resources 人力资源(HR)

④Wang is a famous agent for artists including Chen Daoming, Hu Jun and Li Bingbing.

1. agent n. 经纪人,代理人;特务,特工

insurance agent 保险经纪人 
estate agent 房地产经纪人

  • 神行者2024

    in law真好用啊

  • 默默想你已经是习惯

    最后那段放妻协议也太美了吧 老师厉害啊 👍

  • bison2018

    call it quits停止了结,散伙分手refute an argument 驳斥一个论点