“蛋糕中的爱马仕”Lady M闭店的背后【健谈英语】

“蛋糕中的爱马仕”Lady M闭店的背后【健谈英语】


The exclusive operator of Lady M, a New York-based luxury confection brand, on the Chinese mainland announced that it would close all its current stores within the region by September 10. It prompted a drastic surge in online orders, once the notice was published. Famous for its handmade multi-layered crêpe cakes, it attracted swarms of customers who chose to wait for hours to get in when the first store in Shanghai opened back in 2017.
①The exclusive operator of Lady M, a New York-based luxury confection brand, on the Chinese mainland announced that it would close all its current stores within the region by September 10.
总部位于纽约的高端甜点品牌Lady M在中国内地的独家运营商宣布,将在9月10日前关闭目前在该地区的所有门店。

1. exclusive adj. 独家的,排外的 n. 独家报道
be exclusive of 不包括……的

an exclusive interview 独家采访

Some papers thought they had an exclusive.  

2. luxury n. 奢侈;奢侈品

②It prompted a drastic surge in online orders, once the notice was published. 

1. prompt v. 促使,导致 adj. 立即的,迅速的
prompter n. 提词器,提词员

prompt delivery 即时交货
prompt shipment 即时装船

We need to take action immediately
Prompt action is required.

2. surge n. 急剧上升 v. 急剧上升

The share prices surged. 

drop drastically / fall sharply 急剧下跌
plunge、dip、collapse 暴跌,骤降,崩溃

Her weight began to plunge. 
Housing price collapsed after a new policy was introduced. 

3. once conj. 一……就……

Once she decides to do something, you won't change her mind. 

Once bitten, twice shy.  

③Famous for its handmade multi-layered crêpe cakes, it attracted swarms of customers who chose to wait for hours to get in when the first store in Shanghai opened back in 2017. 
Lady M以手工制作的千层蛋糕而闻名,2017 年上海第一家门店开业时,吸引了大批选择等待数小时才能进店的顾客。

1. multi- prefix 多……的

multicultural 多元文化的
multimedia 多媒体的
multi-purpose product 多用途产品

I multi-task during the meeting. 

The smartphone is a multi-purpose product which can help us shop online, play games, search information, and read e-books.

2. crepe n. 法式薄饼,可丽饼

croissant n. 羊角面包
baguette n. 棍式面包
macaron n. 马卡龙

3. attract v. 吸引
attraction n. 吸引力;景点

be attracted to 被……所吸引
I am strongly attracted to Beijing Opera.   

the attraction of art 艺术的吸引力
tourist attractions 旅游景点

4. swarm n. 一大群

a swarm of bees 一大群蜜蜂
a swarm of people / swarms of people 一大群人

A swarm of people encircled the hotel. 

  • 菲菲星光

    这个最后的back in 2017怎么翻译?回到2017?这样翻译看着很鸡肋,但是文本里又没翻译。如果就是文本里的翻译,何必多加个back呢?求指点~

  • 神行者2024


  • bison2018

    confection 糖果,蜜饯; prompt v. 促使,导致adj. 立即的,迅速的 prompter n. 提词器,提词员 Once bitten, twice shy. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。

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