515 – The Importance of Curiosity 2 好奇心有多重要2

515 – The Importance of Curiosity 2 好奇心有多重要2


2.Curiosity is Key 好奇心是关键

When itcomes to studying, two outcomes are essential:


A. that youremember what you’ve learned

A: 记住你学过的东西

B. that youcan derive some sort of meaning from it.

B: 你可以从中得出某种意义。

B actuallyhelps with A in my opinion. Whether its chemistry or art history, try to findsomething in the material that interests you and focus in on it. Go in tooffice hours and talk with your teacher about it, go pick up supplementalbooks, or go watch videos about the subject online.


3.Consistency 一贯性

Every dayyou need to make progress towards your academic goals. This doesn’t mean tatyou necessarily need to spend hours in front of flash cards (though that iswhat works for some students), but you can not put things off until the lastminute.


There wasrarely a time in all of high school that I would “cram” for an exam. I wouldusually start 2–3 weeks before a large exam with making flashcards, studyguides, etc. and so by the time the test arrived I was relaxed and competent.


4.Make it Social

If it wasbetween going out with friends and studying the weekend before a test…I wouldchoose both. However, this wouldn’t look like me hopping from one activity tothe next. Rather, I found it helpful to get my friends together for study dateswhere we could quiz one another while still getting some social time in.


While manyblogs try to sugar coat it, you often do have to make sacrifices about how youwant to spend your time. Don’t hole up in your room every day, but be mindfulof who you spend your time around and how their goals align with yours.


Hopefullythis helps, and best of luck with your studies!


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