



The first full colour image captured by the James Webb Space Telescope was revealed by US President Joe Biden at a White House briefing to preview imagery from the space observatory. The target revealed by Biden was that of SMACS 0723, a small patch of the sky where foreground galaxy clusters amplify distant galaxies. The image is the deepest and sharpest infrared image of the distant universe captured so far. The target is ideal for showcasing the capabilities of Webb as a time machine, allowing scientists to get a glimpse of galaxies with extreme redshifts.


①The first full colour image captured by the James Webb Space Telescope was revealed by US President Joe Biden at a White House briefing to preview imagery from the space observatory. 


1. image n. 镜像,影像;印象,形象,声誉

imagery n. 意象,画面,图片;影像,成像

public image 公众形象

company’s image 公司形象

satellite imagery 卫星影像

2. capture v. 拍摄,摄制;捕捉,俘获

capture one’s attention 引起某人的注意

capture one’s heart 俘获某人的心

The animals are captured in nets.


3. reveal v. 揭幕(display);揭露,泄露,透露

reveal a secret 泄漏秘密

Officers could not reveal how he died. 


②The target revealed by Biden was that of SMACS 0723, a small patch of the sky where foreground galaxy clusters amplify distant galaxies.

被拜登展示的这张图像来自星系团SMACS 0723这一小片天空,可利用这一前景星系团放大更为遥远的星系群。

1. patch n. (与周围不同的)斑,小块,小片

2. foreground n. (图片或照片的)前景

3. cluster n. (同类物聚集的)串,丛,束,群

4. amplify v. 扩大,增强;阐发,进一步阐明

amplifier n. 扩音器,扬声器

amplify a signal 放大信号

You may need to amplify this point.


5. distant adj. 遥远的,远处的,久远的(faraway);不友好的,冷淡的,疏远的

distant stars and planets 遥远的恒星和行星

a distant memory 久远的记忆

③The image is the deepest and sharpest infrared image of the distant universe captured so far.


1. deepest adj. 最深的,最深

2. sharp adj. 锋利的,尖的;聪明的,精明的,敏锐的;尖锐,严厉

a sharp outline 清晰的轮廓

sharp eyes 敏锐的眼镜

a girl of sharp intelligence 心思聪颖的女孩

sharp criticism 尖锐的评论

④The target is ideal for showcasing the capabilities of Webb as a time machine, allowing scientists to get a glimpse of galaxies with extreme redshifts.


1. glimpse n. 一瞥,一看

a glimpse at / of something 瞥一眼某事

catch or get a glimpse of her in the crowd 在人群中一眼瞥见她

2. redshift n. 红移现象

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  • bison2018

    patch n. (与周围不同的)斑,小块,小片 foreground n. (图片或照片的)前景 amplify v. 扩大,增强;阐发,进一步阐明 amplifier n. 扩音器,扬声器 a glimpse at / of something 瞥一眼某事infrared 红外线的

  • 神行者2024
