514 - The importance of curiosity 1好奇心的重要性1

514 - The importance of curiosity 1好奇心的重要性1


Curiosity turns out to be a good predictor of children’s kindergarten math and reading achievement as well. In particular, children growing up in poverty in the U.S. end up performing just as well as their more privileged agemates if they score high on curiosity (Sparks, 2018),countering some of the harmful effects of inequitable schooling. Other studies suggest that curiosity remains an important source of motivation into adulthood— it may be an important reason that some people persist in advanced scientific fields.


For those who got into very selective schools (Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT, Caltech, Amherst, etc. ), could you share your studying habits?(By: Veritas Essays)

对于那些进入名校(哈佛、耶鲁、普林斯顿、麻省理工、加州理工、阿默斯特等)的学生,你能分享一下你的学习习惯吗? (摘自:Veritas论文)

Princeton junior here, and this is a breakdown of my high school study habits that brought me to where I am today.


Attitude isEverything态度决定一切

One thing that you will find in common among all Princeton students is a lack of tolerance for excuses. If you say that you would like to accomplish something, you need to dedicate yourself to ensuring that you get it done.


Phrases you will rarely hear coming from an Ivy League student include “oh I didn’t do well in that class because I had a bad teacher” or “I just didn’t understand the material”. If you have a “bad teacher”, then you go out and get a study guide and use every free tutorial available on Khan academy until you can ace your assignments. If you don’t understand the material…do the same. Understand the mentality yet?


