



Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck have officially tied the knot in a ceremony in Las Vegas after the couple rekindled their relationship in 2021. The wedding is 20 years in the making -- the pair initially met in 2001 but later broke off their engagement in 2004. Their marriage shares a special connection with two A-list television characters in Friends, Rachel Greene and Ross Gellar, who sealed the deal in Las Vegas in an unforgettable season 5 finale of the NBC series.


①Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck have officially tied the knot in a ceremony in Las Vegas after the couple rekindled their relationship in 2021. 


1. rekindle v.重新激起,重新唤起

re- 重新,再次

kindle v. 点燃;n. 阅读器

kindle a fire 点火;引起兴趣或感情

kindle her interest in music 激发她对音乐的兴趣。

rekindle their relationship 旧情复燃

2. tie the knot 结婚,永结同心(get married)

tie v. 绑

knot n. 结

Chinese knot 中国结

3. ceremony n. 典礼

a wedding ceremony 结婚典礼

a graduation ceremony 毕业典礼

②The wedding is 20 years in the making -- the pair initially met in 2001 but later broke off their engagement in 2004. 


1. wedding n. 婚礼

bride 新娘

bridegroom 新郎

bridesmaid 伴娘

wedding dress 婚纱

wedding ring 结婚戒指

wedding anniversary 结婚纪念日

The wedding season is upon us. 


2. initially adv. 最初地

3. break off 突然中止

break off diplomatic relations 断绝外交关系

4. engagement n. 订婚

engaged adj. 订婚

She's engaged to Peter. 


③Their marriage shares a special connection with two A-list television characters in Friends, Rachel Greene and Ross Gellar, who sealed the deal in Las Vegas in an unforgettable season 5 finale of the NBC series.

他们的婚姻与《老友记》中两个知名的角色Rachel Greene和Ross Gellar有着特殊的联系,这是一部NBC出品的美剧,在令人难忘的第五季大结局中,两人也在拉斯维加斯加结婚。

1. seal the deal 达成交易

seal v. 盖章

deal n. 交易

2. A-list 知名的

3. share v. 分享

share sth with sb 和某人分享某事

share your experience with the rest of the group 和组里的人分享经验

shared values 共同的价值观

  • 默默想你已经是习惯

    有情人有缘人是拆不散的 一眼万年

    英语何健说 回复 @默默想你已经是习惯: 是这么个理儿

  • 菲菲星光


  • 神行者2024


  • bison2018

    rekindle v.重新激起,重新唤起kindle a fire 点火;引起兴趣或感情 break off 突然中止 break off diplomatic relations 断绝外交关系seal the deal 达成交易

    英语何健说 回复 @bison2018: 特别好