Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the East Coast mecca (麦加、众人向往的地方) of engineering, science, and mathematics, “is the ultimate place for information overload, endless possibilities, and expanding your horizons.”
The “amazing collection of creative minds” includes enough Nobel laureates to fill a jury box as well as brilliant students who are given substantial control of their educations;
Students need to be able to manage a workload that “definitely pushes you beyond your comfort level.
A chemical engineering major elaborates: “MIT is different from many schools in that its goal is not to teach you specific facts in each subject. MIT teaches you how to think, not about opinions but about problem solving. Facts and memorization are useless unless you know how to approach a tough problem.”
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Admission Overview
Applicants: 33,240
Acceptance Rate: 4%
Interesting Facts
Yes, there are geniuses at MIT, even for MIT standards. I met plenty of them throughout my four years. But you know what? I couldn’t even tell for most of them – I had plenty of friends where I didn’t learn about their special and unique talents until after having known them for 2-3 years (examples: I didn’t learn until junior or senior year that some of my friends consisted of: California State Nintendo Champion… a child TV show star… went to Africa to help vision-impaired children… worked on the Human Genome (基因组) project… owned his own design company… etc… etc… etc…). But when people get here, everyone pretty much leaves a lot of that at the door (unless it comes up specifically). They’re all students just like anyone, eager to meet new people… and it was incredibly exciting to have friends like them.
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