146 用一分钟做出完美的英语简报组织!

146 用一分钟做出完美的英语简报组织!



-It's not about what you say; it's about how you say it.



1. A greeting (打招呼)


2. your name and position (名字和职称)


3. the title and subject (演讲的主题)


4. the objective of the presentation(演讲的目的)


5. the main parts of your talk (演讲的结构)


6. a mention of the visual aids that you will use (会使用的视觉辅助)


7. the time you will take (所需时间)


8. when you would like questions (何时会回答问题)


9. a reference to the audience (观众可以参考的物件)


10. and a link to the first section of your presentation (很好的衔接演讲主题的一句话)

范例,去年我作的一场公益演讲:How to Make Foreign Friends (如何交外国朋友)

Hi everyone, my name is Lily Wong but you can just call me Lily. I’m the founder and director of Shanghai Greeters. I’m in charge of the recruitment of volunteers and training. The topic for my presentation today is how to make friends with foreigners. The reason why I’m doing this topic is I’d like to use my knowledge and my experience to help bridge the gap between two different cultures. First I’d like to give a brief introduction of my organisation: Shanghai Greeters. Second, I’d like to share some appropriate small talk topics when talking with your foreign friends; Third, I’ll share the things you should avoid when hanging out with foreigners. Fourth, I’d like to invite two friends of mine, Adi and Kelly, to come up and share their funny experiences in a foreign country. Finally, I’ll leave some time for Q and A. My presentation will last about 30 minutes and I hope you all have my handout. If you don’t have the handout with you, it’s fine. I also have made a powerpoint template to assist my talk. Ok, lets get started. Shanghai Greeters was founded in 2013….



    学英语环游世界 回复 @听友null: 太好了,那你一定要持续收听,我现在每天都会提醒你的梦想哦!

  • 王在路上92

    用first second可以吗

  • Ken大泉

  • 1356025ibjf

    It not about what you say,it about how you say it.

  • AndyeWong


    学英语环游世界 回复 @AndyeWong: 每一百集都是一个成长的历程~

  • 子墨君


  • 孙鹏库卡机器人

  • 听友21823518



    really useful

  • 听友19634946