The Interview (Part 1)(面试-1)

The Interview (Part 1)(面试-1)



This time you're going to be interviewed. So please sit down and make yourself comfortable. Speaking naturally is the most important goal. When you're being interviewed. It can be in the form of a job interview, appearing on a panel discussion, being asked questions after giving a presentation, or is the guest on a radio or television program. It's another part of the world of public speaking. And as I mentioned in the introduction episode of this pod cast series, we're all public speakers, whether we're buying something, selling or talking to the cab driver. When we open our mouths to talk to others, we become a public speaker.

这次你要接受面试。所以请坐,别拘束。说话自然是最重要的目标。当你被面试的时候。它可以是工作面试、小组讨论、演讲后的提问,也可以是电台或电视节目的嘉宾。这是公共演讲世界的另一部分。正如我在pod cast系列的介绍部分提到的,我们都是公共演说家,无论我们是在买东西,卖东西还是和出租车司机交谈。当我们开口和别人说话时,我们就成为了一个演说家。

But of course, how we converse with others,especially those we don't know, depends on the situation and environment. Butthe fact is we're often better at it than we give ourselves credit, especiallywhen complaining over the phone about something with board that turns out to befaulty. Well, having reached this fire in the series, you'll be familiar withthe techniques i've outlined about breathing for speech, especially as a warmup exercise before your speaking event, tuning your voice to achieve more tonalresonance. And the other steps towards speaking naturally. These points only reviewand practice, especially if you been asked for an interview and when it's for ajob, you want to be able to think clearly.


Asthey say, first impressions count. And while you may have chosen your wardrobewith great thought, you need the same approach with how you'll speak. There areno hard and fast rules as to what comes out of the mouths of the h r manager orother departmental head as they introduce themselves. What's important torealize is that the clues of what they think of you will come when you starttalking the sound of your voice. And the way it literally resonates with themis what will set their mood for either liking you or not.


Mindyou, i'm not advocating that you uh, to your first words in a well modulatedtone decreases wrinkles. Look no further. I am the one you want. Politiciansare the best of doing that. And while many do get the vote and confidence oftheir electorate, many of them are speaking un naturally, just like formalpublic speaking requires preparation and homework. It's the same when beinginterviewed. If you want that job, you need to sell yourself in the bestpossible way. The preparation you do for feeling calm in an interview is asimportant as the research and homework you'll be doing about the positionthat's being offered.


Visualizingthe interview is an important step in the preparation for a car mind and bodysitting comfortably in a quiet room and using the belly breathing, detain thebutterflies and provide maximum breadth support. The humming exercise asoutlined in the episode tuning your voice will help in calming down, allowingyou to prepare for clear thinking and to focus on any question that might bethrown at you. This visualization can be a way of reducing the anxiety, but remembersome anxiety is simply the butterflies in the stomach getting ready for flightor fight.


You need to convert this into nervousenergy, which will be a positive force in getting you over the line in aninterview, which will hopefully clinch the job. It's those negative thoughtspersist. Let's send them on their way. Sit quietly where you won't be disturbedand face these fears with your eyes closed. you're lives what you're worriedabout. They won't like you your appearance or the sound of your voice get somehumor into the preparation. Visualize going into the room, tripping over,falling off the chair, and opening your mouth to speak. But nothing comes out,ha!


Makeit a comedy of the mind and enjoy starring in a situation that is just plainfast. Now imagine that scene fading to black and return to the deep breathingand humming this time, visualizing the situation as you wanted to be. Thethoughts now need to be more realistic, because for that extra breath supportand clarity of the mind and body, you can answer those questions in a clear,confident voice without sounding cocky. Remember whether you are beinginterviewed in person or online, you are the guest. So just wait and takedirection from your house without the need to take over the interview.


Rememberspeaking naturally is a two way street. The other side is for listening. Andwhat those conducting the interview have to say needs to be heard when youstart answering, don't rush, you'll start to feel more relaxed as the interviewcontinues, giving you time to gather your thoughts and express them clearly.And if you heard the previous pod cast episode about public speaking have anice break, a ready. It can be as simple as i'm really pleased to meet you andthank you for considering me. This icebreaker is just enough to take thebutterflies from their rumbling fly past to a steady resting place on the tonicyou've prepared well and done your best.


Visualize this positive scenario as oftenas you like in the days leading up to the real appointment. This mental andphysical preparation is the same if you've been invited as a guest to beinterviewed on radio or television where the sound of your voice will giveanswers and analysis literally resonate ing with the audience. Newspapers aswell as broadcasters are always seeking experts to explain situations andevents that are often complicated, especially for people unfamiliar withstatistics and technical jargon. If you've never appeared on a news or businessshow before, take it as a compliment that you've been asked become familiar notjust with how to break the subject into manageable chunks with your answers,but study the style of the host who will be interviewing you. And the showyou'll be appearing on the twenty four hour news cycle is awash with breakingnews. And this increases the need to cover stories which need picking apartfigures which need to be broken down, explained in concise, clear answers.


Useyour hands to emphasize points. Don't overdo it and treat it as a conversationbetween friends. If you're new to appearing on radio or television, asked theproduction assistant who contacts you to provide a guide to the line ofquestioning, the host will take when you're given a clear indication and maybeeven the exact questions practice the answers you give and brie prepared toexpand or contract them when the interview starts and you've been welcomed bythe guest. Don't ask how are you because no one watching cares and the hostwon't necessarily answer. Anyway. It's just wasting time. But if you feel youwant to use an ice breaker as soon as you are introduced, just say good to behere and let the host continue.


I'mnot talking about a situation which may require analysis of something tragic.If that's the case when you are introduced, just say thanks, adding the hostname. Often an interview needs to be shortened because of a timing problem. Solike a tennis match, you need to be quick on your feet to adapt to theliterally changing times. But remember, if you're asked to be brief, don'tspeed up and end in a gamble with more experience, you will be able toimprovise with these and become familiar with the live studio or at sidebroadcast environment.


WhenI worked for the english channel of cctv in china, I always look forward tolive interviews with the chinese analysts who could talk off the top of hishead about anything. He was so articulate. I firmly believe he could havetalked about anything standing on the top of his head. His name is victor galand he just had and still has the gift of the gab. Never stuck for words. Evenif the questions move beyond the original direction and on to another subject.Listen carefully to the interviewer and your footwork and listening schoolswill get a sense of the game because while interviewees must play by the rules,you can help each other by speaking naturally to the host and being naturalwhen explaining your area of expertise in a way that's less complicated for theviewers. And also for the listeners.


Anotherarea of being interviewed is when you call for questions from the audienceafter giving a speech or presentation taking centre stage and command of whatyou want to say. Speaking naturally under pressure requires the same schools asbeing interviewed in the broadcast medium. As I explained in episode nine aboutpublic speaking take the opportunity to regain some more breath support whilethe audience is preparing to put their questions. You'll be so good at thistechnique of belly breathing by now no one will realize or see your bellymoving subtle but highly effective.


Andyou're ready to go when you answer the questions. Use the same method as Italked about earlier. Thank each person and don't be afraid to ask for them torepeat their question. If you can't hear, and especially if the audience can'teither as what usually happens, someone will walk over to the person with ahandheld microphone and wily doing it high time for another belly breath. Keepyour answers brief because others hopefully will be wanting a turn and ifyou're not sure of your answer offer to find out and get back to them later.


Andif the going gets tough with some curly questions aimed at putting you at riskof offending someone or maybe needing to defend yourself and your organization,take a leaf out of those politicians. Notebooks answer the question in aroundabout way, which may be neither, yes or no. Be tactful. And while this maynot be exactly what the questioner wanted, respond as best you can now thatyou've had your taste of the limelight and being put under the spotlight, theexperience may leave you wanting more. You performed well, speaking naturallyand showing your natural ability to become under pressure of being interviewed.


Perhaps it was so much fun. You want tobecome a news anchor. You wouldn't be the first to cultivate that ambition andmake the transition. I'll be talking more about this area in a future episodeand anchoring the news where voices past and present have influenced ourdigestion of the daily news reel and hopefully not fake or maybe one day you'llhave your very own talk show. But as our next episode reveals, be prepared whensome guests prove difficult to interview, even if there's no one listening.


