珍妮·古道尔博士 | 在加拿大卡尔加里讲话

珍妮·古道尔博士 | 在加拿大卡尔加里讲话


Well, it's the probably the longest study unbroken of any wild animal in the world, the only possible exception is the Japanese monkeys. But we didn't know about that for a long time, it was all kept within Japan.这可能是世界上所有野生动物中时间最长,且从未中断的研究,唯一可能的例外是日本的猴子种群。但我们在很长一段时间内都不知道,它都被保存在日本境内。
So what we learn about the chimpanzees? They're very close to us, they share 98.7% of our DNA and have many other similarities. But the biggest difference is the explosive development of our intellect that makes us more different from all the other animals, although they are way more intelligent than science used to give them credit for.那么我们对黑猩猩了解多少呢?它们与我们非常接近,拥有我们98.7%的DNA,还有许多其他相似之处。尽管它们的智力比过去科学给予它们的评估要高得多,但最大的区别是我们智力的爆炸性发展,这让我们与所有其他动物更加不同。
But on the other hand, no animal can compete with, you know, social media and the internet, sending a rocket up to mars, camera creeping around on the surface of a faraway planet, space travel all that.但另一方面,没有任何动物可以与(人类)社交媒体和互联网,向火星发射火箭,在遥远星球表面爬行的照相机,太空旅行等相媲美。
So it's absolutely bizarre and awful at the most intellectual being to ever walk the planet it's destroying planet earth our only home. And I think there's been a disconnect between clever clever brain and the human heart, love and compassion.所以踏上这个星球上的最有智慧的生命,正在摧毁我们唯一的家园——地球,这绝对是奇怪和可怕的。我觉得人类聪明的大脑和心灵,爱与同情之间已经出现了脱节。
Roots and Shoots and the Jane Goodall Institute are working to educate young people who will then grow up into the decision makers of the future. But if I'm meeting someone who's a climate change denier, even though they see what's happening, the only way to really change them, if you can, is by telling stories.”根与芽“组织和珍妮·古道尔研究所正在努力教育年轻人,让他们将成长为未来的决策者。但如果我遇到一个否认看到正在发生的事情,否认气候变化的人,要想真正改变他们的唯一方法,就是给他们讲故事。
You've got to reach the heart. It's no good arguing, because they're not going to listen. But if you can tell the right story and reach the heart, sometimes you see change.你得触到他们的内心。争论是没有用的,因为他们不会听。但是,如果你能讲出正确的故事并触及他们的心灵,有时你会看到改变。
Well, what I do, you know, a lot of people come to me, feeling in despair. They say I've looked around the world and, you know, people tell me to think globally and act locally. But I'm so depressed, I don't know what to do. What difference can I make.很多人来找我说感到绝望,他们说我环顾了世界,人们告诉我要放眼全球,从自己身边做起。但我很沮丧,我不知道该怎么办,我不知道我能改变什么。
And I say well don't think gloally first. Act locally, get some people. What do you care about? Homeless? you care about discrimination, you care about litter in the street, you care about stray dogs. Well, find some people who agree with you or start on your own. And when you do that you find, well I am making a difference here.然后我告诉他们先不要想全球会怎么样,找一些志同道合的人,从自己身边做起。你关心什么?无家可归者,种族歧视,街道上的垃圾,流浪狗等。找一些志同道合的人,然后开始去做。当你去做了之后,你会发现,你确实在做出改变。
And then you can realize, especially if you're part of something like Roots and Shoots or some other organization. Well, we're all doing it around the world, so there is hope after all. That's the main message of Roots and Shoots every day you live on this planet. You make some impact and you can choose what sort of impact you make.你会意识到到,尤其如果你是像“根与芽 ”或其他一些组织的成员。我们都在世界各地做出努力,所以希望还是存在的。这就是“根与芽”想传达给每天生活在这个星球上的你的讯息。你会产生一些影响,你也可以选择你想做出何种影响。
The young people are my greatest hope for the future. You know, I have four main reasons for hope, but young people come first. Because once they understand the problems, and they're empowered to take action. They're so filled with energy, determination. Nothing's going to stop them. We are changing the world.年轻人是我对未来最大的希望。对未来的希望我有四个主要理由,但年轻人是第一位的。因为一旦他们理解了这些问题,他们就有能力采取行动,他们充满着能量和决心。没有什么能阻止他们。我们(年轻人)正在改变世界。
And it's very inspiring to see how this generation is rising to face these new challenges which we've created. We created climate change ,we created loss biodiversity, we created the pandemic and all of this by our disrespect of people and disrespect of the environment and animals.看到这一代人如何站起来直面我们造成的这些新挑战,是非常鼓舞人心的。我们制造了气候变化,让生物多样性的丧失,我们制造了新冠肺炎,所有这些都是我们对人,环境和动物的不尊重造成的。
Well, I hope that people as I shall tell them realize that they're making a difference every day. Billions of ethical choices that people are making around the world every day who understand can create big change.我希望人们就像我要告诉他们的那样,意识到他们每天都在做出改变。世界各地每天都在做出数十亿的道德选择的人们都明白,他们可以做出巨大改变。
I want them to realize that they as an individual matter and what they do matters. I want them to understand the things we have to overcome, to slow down climate change and loss of biodiversity.我想让他们意识到,他们作为个体很重要,他们所做的事情也很重要。我希望他们理解我们为减缓气候变化和生物多样性的丧失所克服的困难。
We've got to eliminate poverty because if you're really poor, you destroy the environment to live, cut down the trees, put land to grow food or charcoal or timber.我们必须消除贫困,因为如果你生活很拮据,就会破坏环境来生活,砍伐树木制作木炭或木材,把土地用来种植食物。
And if you're in an urban area, you buy the cheapest product. You can't afford as we can, to say did it harm the environment when it was made? Was it cruel to animals? Is it cheap, because of unfair wages paid in other parts of the world? And make ethical choices. So if everybody does that, other people, of course, can make much bigger change.如果你居住在城市(但生活拮据),你会买最便宜的产品。你不能像我们一样,考虑它在制造时是否对环境有伤害,对动物是否残忍,是否因为世界上其他地方支付的工资不公平而便宜,进而并做出符合道德的选择。但如果每个人都这样做,其他人当然可以做出更大的改变。
And I hope everybody who's not involved in Roots and Shoots will get their children involved or the children themselves will find a way of getting the program into their school, and getting advice from the Jane Goodall Institute of Canada, and understand the importance today of bringing indigenous voices into the equation.我希望还没有参与“根与芽”项目的人都能让他们的孩子参与进来,或者孩子们自己想办法让这个项目进入他们的学校,从加拿大珍妮·古道尔研究所获得建议,了解为当地原住民发声的重要性。
Because they have been stewards of the land for thousands of years and it's beginning. And I know that in in many countries, the indigenous people are being invited much more often into big conferences, they're being moved into the united nations and things like that. So hopefully, we can still make use of the wisdom of the elders.因为他们几千年来一直是这片土地的管家,而这只是开始。我知道在许多国家,原住民正更频繁地被邀请参加大型会议,他们被移入联合国及类似组织。幸运的是,我们仍然可以利用这些长者的智慧。

