Paleontologists unveiled the fossilized remains of an ancient whale that inhabited the seas 36 million years ago. Mario Urbina, head of the team that discovered the skeleton, said the basilosaurus was found at the end of 2021 in a Peruvian desert, about 350 kilometers south of Lima. The desolate landscape was a shallow sea millions of years ago, and its dunes have yielded large numbers of striking primitive sea mammal remains.
①Paleontologists unveiled the fossilized remains of an ancient whale that inhabited the seas 36 million years ago.
1. paleontologist n. 古生物学家
paleo- 远古的
-onto 存在
-logy 学科,学术
-ist 人(职业)
artist 艺术家
2. unveil v. 揭开,公布
veil v.遮掩,遮住;n. 面纱
He unveiled his new strategy this week.
3. fossilized adj. 变成化石的,石化的
fossilize v. 变成化石,石化
fossil n. 化石
The skeleton fossilized
4. remain n. 遗骸,遗迹;v. 留下,剩余,遗留
They ask the residents to remain in their homes.
5. inhabit v. 居住(live)
habitat n. 居住地
inhabitant n. 居民
②Mario Urbina, head of the team that discovered the skeleton, said the basilosaurus was found at the end of 2021 in a Peruvian desert, about 350 kilometers south of Lima.
发现该骨骼团队的负责人Mario Urbina介绍,该龙王鲸化石于2021年底在秘鲁一处沙漠中发现,发现地在利马以南350公里处。
1. skeleton n. 骨骼(人或动物身体里由所有骨头组成的结构)
bone n. 骨头
2. Peru n. 秘鲁(南美国家)
Peruvian adj. 秘鲁的;秘鲁人
③The desolate landscape was a shallow sea millions of years ago, and its dunes have yielded large numbers of striking primitive sea mammal remains.
1. desolate adj. 无人居住的,荒无人烟的,荒凉的;(心情)孤独凄凉的
2. landscape n. 风景(everything you can see when you look across a large area of land)
3. shallow adj. 浅的,不深的;浅薄的
the shallow end of the swimming pool 泳池的浅水区
I think he is shallow and vain.
4. yield v. 产出,孕育
His hard work yielded results.
5. striking adj. 震惊的
6. primitive adj. 原始的
primitive people 原始人
primitive culture 原始文明
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英语何健说 回复 @默默想你已经是习惯: 叮咚 100分
英语何健说 回复 @默默想你已经是习惯: 既因为英语老师们那个年代资源比较匮乏,也因为老友记是真的挺搞笑的
小哥哥说的那首歌的意思是不是一头陷进爱里 不回头的意思(我不是很确定)。如果是这个意思的话我觉得爱情不就应该这样么,爱就爱了,想太多没意思
英语何健说 回复 @宝贝nio的格兰尼: 歌是这个意思 哥也欣赏你的意思
dessert 甜点
扣1! 喜欢这句话 jump head fast in the love ,not looking back. 再多的理性都敌不过真爱
英语何健说 回复 @肉肉的南尼: 我见众山皆草木 唯有见你是青山 And dear 肉肉,head first, not head fast