



He was so shy and introverted; he never looked people in the eye.

She's an extrovert who has really good interpersonal skills.

She calls herself an ambivert — a blending of an extrovert mom and an introvert dad.





introvert /ˈɪntrəvɜːrt/ n.内向的人;adj.内向的

introverted adj.内向的


An introvert is a quiet, shy person who finds it difficult to talk to people.


The boss of the company is said to be an introvert who dislikes public speaking.


What kind of college is a good match for an introverted guy like him?


He was so shy and introverted; he never looked people in the eye.

他是如此的害羞和内向; 他从来不看别人的眼睛。


extrovert /ˈekstrəvɜːrt/ n.外向的人;adj.外向的

extroverted adj.外向的


a lively and confident person who enjoys being with other people 性格外向者;活泼自信的人


She’s an extrovert who has really good interpersonal skills.


The core of the extrovert's personality is really wanting to be the center of attention.


Some young people who were easy-going and extroverted as children become self-conscious in early adolescence.



ambivert /ˈæmbɪvərt/

n. 既外向又内向的人;中间性格者;adj.中间性格的

ambiverted adj. 既外向又内向的


a person who is intermediate between an extrovert and an introvert


1. Outgoing introvert 外向型内向者: An introvert who can be outgoing in certain situations, around certain people, or when they absolutely need to.

2. Antisocial /ˌæntiˈsəʊʃl/ extrovert 孤僻型外向者: An extrovert who needs time to recharge before socializing, or who likes to be alone more than a typical extrovert.

3. Social introvert 社交型内向者: An introvert who can dial up into extroversion when needed.


She calls herself an ambivert — a blending of an extrovert mom and an introvert dad.


One way to determine if someone is an ambivert is to notice if an individual displays traits of both introverts and extroverts.


  • 亦语有声

    She says She is introverted,but her friends Don't think so

  • 南南a_a

    introvert 内向的人 extrovert 外向的人 ambivert 既内向又外向的人(outgoing introvert/social introvert/antisocial extrovert) 又学到了一个新单词!