002-Ignore The Real World

002-Ignore The Real World


"That would never work in the real world." You hear it all the

time when you tell people about a fresh idea.

This real world sounds like an awfully depressing place to

live. It's a place where new ideas, unfamiliar approaches,

and foreign concepts always lose. The only things that win

are what people already know and do, even if those things

are flflawed and ineffiffifficient.

Scratch the surface and you'll fifind these "real world"

inhabitants are fifilled with pessimism and despair. They

expect fresh concepts to fail. They assume society isn't

ready for or capable of change.

Even worse, they want to drag others down into their

tomb. If you're hopeful and ambitious, they'll try to convince

you your ideas are impossible. They'll say you're wasting

your time.

Don't believe them. That world may be real for them, but

it doesn't mean you have to live in it.

We know because our company fails the real-world test in

all kinds of ways. In the real world, you can't have more

than a dozen employees spread out in eight difffferent cities

on two continents. In the real world, you can't attract

millions of customers without any salespeople or


In the real world, you can't reveal your formula

for success to the rest of the world. But we've done all those

things and prospered.

The real world isn't a place, it's an excuse. It's a

justifification for not trying. It has nothing to do with you.

