



After videos of a price negotiation between a National Healthcare Security negotiator and a pharmaceutical firm representative went viral last year, some political advisors applauded the national medical insurance operator's efforts to push the price down for patients, though some had to think a little more. Some CPPCC members say the profit margin shouldn't be squeezed too hard for firms that develop innovative drugs so that firms will be motivated to focus on R&D. Some also maintain that the national healthcare administration could increase the percentage of out-of-pocket payments for innovative drugs that do not yet meet the requirements for bulk purchase, so drug makers can be pushed to meet these conditions.


①After videos of a price negotiation between a National Healthcare Security negotiator and a pharmaceutical firm representative went viral last year, some political advisors applauded the national medical insurance operator's efforts to push the price down for patients, though some had to think a little more.


1. negotiation n. 谈判

negotiate v. 谈判(常与with/for/about搭配使用)

The government will not negotiate with terrorists. 


2. pharmaceutical adj. 制药的

pharmaceutical industry 制药业

pharmaceutical company/firm 制药公司

pharmacy n. 药店,药房

pharmacist n. 药剂师

3. go viral 走红,广泛传播

viral adj. 病毒的

virus n. 病毒

4. applaud v. 鼓掌,赞许

They rose to applaud the speaker. 


②Some CPPCC members say the profit margin shouldn't be squeezed too hard for firms that develop innovative drugs so that firms will be motivated to focus on R&D. 


1. CPPCC 中国人民政治协商会议(全称:Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference)

2. profit margin 利润空间

margin n. 空白处

The teacher added her comments in the margin.


3. squeeze v. 压缩,挤压,榨出

She squeezes toothpaste onto her toothbrush. 


4. innovative adj. 创新的

innovation n. 创新

innovation ability 创新力

5. motivate v. 激励,激发

motivation n. 动力

inner motivation 内在动力

lack motivation 缺乏动力

6. focus on 专注于

7. R&D 研究与开发(全称:Research and Development)

③Some also maintain that the national healthcare administration could increase the percentage of out-of-pocket payments for innovative drugs that do not yet meet the requirements for bulk purchase, so drug makers can be pushed to meet these conditions.


1. maintain v. 主张

2. out-of-pocket payment 用户自付费用

She paid out-of-pocket payments for treatment and medications.


3. meet the requirement 满足要求

4. bulk n. 大规模,大量 

bulk purchase 大量采购

It is cheaper to buy it in bulk.


  • 神行者2024

    medication药品,profit margin利润空间,squeeze压缩,pharmacist药剂师,applaud称赞

  • 菲菲星光


  • 默默想你已经是习惯


  • 肉肉的南尼

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