乔安娜·林莉 | 伦敦的故事

乔安娜·林莉 | 伦敦的故事


Hello, I'm Joanna Lumley and I'm here in this astonishing building, which is the British library.


When I came to London to live here, it was after school and London was like a magnet. It was in the middle of the 60s, it was about 64, 65. It was like... it was throbbing, it literally dragged you from wherever you were.


So I left home, raced up to London to share a flat with two bedrooms above the Earl's Court Tube Station. And looking out through the window at this immense city, I was in paradise. I thought it was the most exciting thing in the world.


And for a long time I lived near Holland Park which is one of the...I think one of the best kept secrets in London. It is staggering, it's got winding paths, it's got statues, it's got formal duck ponds with ducks who have babies, little puffball babies. It's got peacocks which roost in the trees. It's a fantastic place.


I think London is one of the gracious rewards. It is full of stuff. Don't try to do too much. If you can go to British Museum or the V&A or Science Museum, the Natural History Museum.

我觉得伦敦有着最丰厚的馈赠,这里应有尽有。你不用去太多地方,只要去大英博物馆或者维多利亚与艾尔伯特博物馆(Victoria and Albert Museum,简称V&A),或者自然博物馆和自然历史博物馆。

I'm here in the British library, you're drawn here. Obviously not exactly to George III’s own library here, which you're not allowed to put your fingers on. Because these are kept especially for special exhibitions or special moments to see the illuminated scripts or the first editions or the great great treasures.


But in this extraordinary building are copies of every book ever written. If you really have only got 24 hours, I think you should take one of those nice topless buses, they're terribly terribly good or go onto the river. But if you are in here for 24 hours, do eat some fish and chips.


Whenever I come back to London after a long time away, the first thing I do is to ask the driver to bring me through Knightsbridge, sometimes along Piccadilly, but usually to Hyde Park Corner, where there's that phenomenal statue, the great Quadriga of War, that fabulous chariot with four of them on top of the archway in the middle, round in front of the palace and the great golden statue of Queen Victoria. Down Parliament square, Big Ben there it is.


I've lived in London for...easily 45 years. And I've never loved a place more in my life. It is sensational.


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