夏季加更 A New Season for the Summer

夏季加更 A New Season for the Summer


From the New York Times I'm Anna Martin. This is modern love, and I've some news. Some very exciting news, a new season of modern love starts next week. Next week, that's very soon.


We've got a whole lineup of stories that we can't. Wait to share starts dropping on June 1st, but we want to give you a little something to get you excited in the meantime, which is where you come in melee editor of modern love projects. Hello. Hello. Thank you for having me.


Yeah. Today we've actually got two tiny love stories read by none. Other than the Oscar winning actress. Ariana Dubose. Ariana Dubose. I'm kind of obsessed with her most recently. She was in (needa in) West Side Story. She was incredible and Ariana. First read, these tiny love stories. Out of virtual event.


We both did a few months ago and Ariana actually picked the stories. She wanted to read and pick by Miss Dubose herself. The first one is called choosing a different future by just lock. Let's take a listen.


When I was 20, I quietly foolishly eloped At 22. I saw a cute boy, in the corner of a college. Bible study his hat. Pulled low over his glasses. I was still unhappily secretly married, but I flirted with the boy. He was polite with nothing more. BY 23, I divorced, escaping a miserable future, a rediscovered, my faith, and the joy of a closed friend group, a group, which included the boy in the hat.

