




听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A.B.C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下-小题。 每段对话仅读一遍。

1. What causes the man's sleeping problem?

A. The heavy workload.

B. The cold temperature.

C. The annoying roommates.

2. What is the man doing for the woman?

A. Taking a photo.

B. Choosing a camera.

C. Cheering her up.

3. What does the woman think of paying by phone?

A. Complex.

B. Exciting.

C. Unsafe.

4. How does the man spend Christmas?

A. Attending a festival.

B. Dining at a restaurant.

C. Having a family dinner.

5. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. At the ticket office.

B. On a plane.

C. In a waiting room.

第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22. 5分)



6. What will the speakers do with the coin on the ground?

A. Leave it there.

B. Pick it up.

C. Give it away.

7. What does the woman suggest doing?

A Living under a nearby bridge.

B. Buying food for a homeless man.

C. Getting some drink for the poor.


8. What is the man's problem?

A. He feels sick recently.

B. He has too much work.

C. He can't graduate on time.

9. How will the woman help the man?

A. By writing a speech.

B. By scheduling his time.

C. By bringing lunch to him.

10. What does the man get from the woman?

A. A boat.

B. A truck.

C. A motorcycle.

11. Why does the woman give a present to the man?

A. To celebrate his graduation.

B. To help him earn more money.

C. To award him for finding a job.

12. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Colleagues.

B. Sister and brother.

C. Mother and son.


13. To whom did the man tell all the details about his problem?

A. A doctor.

B. A nurse.

c. A receptionist.

14. What is the woman responsible for checking for the man?

A. His lung.

B. His blood pressure.

C. His X-ray.

15. Which department is the man in?

A. Accident Department.

B. Head and Neck Department.

C. Heart and Lung Department.

16. How does the man feel at last?

A. Annoyed.

B. Calm.

C. Relieved.


17. When did John start the group?

A.A year ago.

B. Two years ago.

C. Four years ago.

18. How many volunteers are there in John's group now?




19. What does John's group focus on?

A. Restoring damaged forests.

B. Saving endangered animals.

C. Turning trees into materials.

20. What is the goal of "The Knowing Tree"?

A. To educate children.

B. To collect donations.

C. To plant more trees.


(Text 1)

W: I've been having trouble sleeping lately. My roommates both stay up late and I wake up early.

M: I have a similar problem, but it is because my apartment is too cold.

(Text 2)

W: Where do you want me to stand? I've never done this before.

M: Right over there, on the black spots. Look directly at the camera, please. Don't smile.

(Text 3)

W: I am still not comfortable with using my phone as a method of payment. It is much easier, but I feel like it's simple to steal my information this way.

M: 1 think it is safer. I have a digital lock that protects everything.

(Text 4)

W: My family gets together at an Italian restaurant. We used to go to see the Christmas Tree Festival, but we gave up on that a few years ago. What does your family do?

M: We spend Christmas at my parents' house. My grandmother makes dinner for everyone.

(Text 5)

W: Ladies and gentlemen. Please fasten your seat belts. We will be landing in five minutes.

M: That's good. The plane took off at 3:00 pm and it's 8:55 pm now. I thought we wouldn't be landing until 9:30 pm.

(Text 6)

W: That's a coin on the ground.

M: Just leave it there.

W: Why? It's money!

M: Please don't pick it up. You don't need it, do you?

W: Well, not really.

M: Someone else might, though. There are some homeless people around here. If one of them finds it, it might help them get some food or a hot drink.

W: What if they spend it on something bad, like alcohol?

M: Well, we can't predict what that money will be used for. So, just leave it alone.

W: You're right, But let's go further than that. Let's buy some sandwiches for the man who lives under that bridge.

(Text 7)

W: Are you OK? You look like you may be getting ill.

M: I'm happy that the school year is almost over, but I really don't know how I will get all my work done. I have three papers and a public speaking project to present before the end of the month.

W: Can I help you finish any of them?

M: No. I need to do the work myself, I just need to schedule my time wisely. It will be a hard month, though,

W: I wish I could do more. Oh, I know! I will bring you lunch during the days so that you do not get interrupted. You won't even have to leave the library.

M: That sounds wonderful!

(Text 8)

W: All right, keep your eyes closed. No looking. OK, open them! Surprise!

M: Oh my! You got me a new truck! You didn't have to do this,

W: Your father and I wanted to congratulate you for finishing your law degree. We know how hard you have worked for the past several years.

M: I don't know what to say. Thank you so much.

W: You deserve it. I know you said you wanted a motorcycle, but I don't trust those things. I also would never forgive myself if something happened to you. Do you like it?

M: Of course I do! How much did this cost you?

W:Don’t worry about it. We’ll pay for your insurance for the year, but the rest is up to you. Drive safe!

M: I will. This is perfect!. Just think, when I’m a successful lawyer, I’ll have a vehicle big enough to pull my boat!

W: First, you have to find a job. Once you become successful, you can do whatever you want with your money. But first things first, don’t forget about those who need help.

(Text 9)

W: You say your head aches all the time?

M: Yes.

W: Is the pain at the front of your head or the back?

M: Look. I gave all these details to the receptionist when I came in. Do 1 have to go through it all again?

W: I'm afraid so. I have to get the details, take blood samples and check your blood pressure. Only then can the doctor have a look at you.

M: I'm sorry. This headache makes me bad-tempered. A nurse's life can't be easy.

W: It isn't, but don't worry about me. Let's deal with your problem.

M: Will the doctor examine me in here?

W: No. I do the checks in the examination room. Then you can see the doctor in his consulting room. Depending on what he finds, he might send you to the X- ray department.

M: Does this doctor know anything about headaches? On the door it says Heart and Lung Department.

W: We are using their room because the Head and Neck Department and the Accident Department are both being modernized.

M: Everything here seems to make my headache worse. I really do need to see the doctor.

W: Calm down. Getting annoyed won't help. A few more checks, and then he will see you. I'm sure he'll find a way to make you feel better.

(Text 10)

M: Last week, I had the pleasure of meeting a group of nature lovers who are fighting climate change. The leader of the group, John, took a few minutes to sit down and talk to me about their projects. John told me that he started the group with his wife Eliza A year later they had grown to 10 people and now, four years later, they have 50 volunteers. John said that they planted around 100 trees last week alone. Their group focuses on fixing the places where trees have been cut down by people. John stressed that humans need the trees as much as the animals do and that people tend to forget that trees aren't just materials to sell for profit. We also need them to breathe. I was able to hear more about Eliza,who has actually stopped doing the planting with them for the past year. Eliza still travels with them, but she's started a separate group called “The Knowing Tree”. John described the group as one to inform children about the importance of keeping our natural world in a good condition. It's truly inspiring.

参考答案1-5BACCB 6-10ABBCB 11-15ACCBC 16-20ACBAA

