


The unusually crimson sky in early May in Zhoushan, a port city in East China, came from the lights of a fishing boat. China Aquatic Products Zhoushan Marine Fisheries Co, which owns the boat, confirmed this to local media. Many residents of the port city in Zhejiang Province noticed that the sky had suddenly become like a burning torch. Zhoushan was rather cloudy that night with drizzle, making it favorable weather conditions for the unusual wide refraction of the red light, experts explained.

①The unusually crimson sky in early May in Zhoushan, a port city in East China, came from the lights of a fishing boat. 

1. unusually crimson sky 异常血红的天空

unusually adv. 异常地,不同寻常地
usually adv. 通常

crimson adj. 绯红色的 n. 绯红色
cherry 樱桃红
mustard 芥末黄
navy 深蓝
olive 橄榄色
bronze 古铜色
camel 驼色

2. in early May 在五月初

People prepare for New Year's Day from late December. 

3. 同位语

Mr. Smith, our new teacher, is very kind to us. 

4. fishing boat 渔船

cargo ship 货船
cruise ship 游轮
warship 军舰

②China Aquatic Products Zhoushan Marine Fisheries Co, which owns the boat, confirmed this to local media. 

1. China Aquatic Products Zhoushan Marine Fisheries Co 中国水产舟山海洋渔业有限公司

aquatic product 水产品
aquatic adj. 水生的,和水相关的
aquatic animal 水生动物
aquatic plant 水生植物
aquatic sports 水上运动

marine adj. 海洋的,与海洋有关的
Our lesson is to avoid unbalancing the marine environment. 

fishery n. 渔场,渔业
Co n. 公司(Company)

③Many residents of the port city in Zhejiang Province noticed that the sky had suddenly become like a burning torch. 

1. resident n. 居民,住户
residence n. 住宅,定居

This past week, a plumber completed work at my residence.

④Zhoushan was rather cloudy that night with drizzle, making it favorable weather conditions for the unusual wide refraction of the red light, experts explained. 

1. rather adv. 相当,非常

I grew up in rather unusual circumstances. 

2. drizzle n. 毛毛细雨 v. 下小雨

The drizzle had now stopped and the sun was breaking through. 

downpour 倾盆大雨
rainstorm 暴风雨
shower 阵雨

3. favorable weather conditions 有利的天气条件

favorable adj. 良好的,有利的
favor v. 有利于,比较喜欢
favorite adj. 最喜欢的

weather conditions 天气状况,气候条件
health conditions 健康状况
working conditions 工作条件
social conditions 社会状况
natural conditions 自然条件

4. refraction n. 折射
reflection n. 反射

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