E55 精讲版|希苏归来

E55 精讲版|希苏归来



And yet, it felt like a celebration. Everywhere she looked, Raya saw the people of Fang embracing loved ones they thought they’d lost for good.


They danced and turned their faces to the sky as the rain poured down on them.


“Tuk Tuk!” Raya cried suddenly as her big friend rolled toward her. She laughed as they hugged, cheek to cheek.


A movement overhead drew Raya’s attention. Something was coming toward them through the air.

头顶的动静引起了拉雅的注意。有什么东西正在空中穿梭, 向他们飞来。

A crowd of bright, rippling shapes drew closer and closer. The dragons had returned.


The colorful, majestic creatures soared overhead. They twisted and turned, running on raindrops as the people below stared up in wonder.


Raya felt a swell of joy and hope. It was the feeling she’d had watching Sisu fly the first time, but multiplied tenfold.


The dragons seemed to radiate peace, as if they embodied all the goodness in the world.


As one, the throng swooped toward the river. They hovered low over the surface and formed a ring. As they circled, the water began to glow and churn.


Suddenly, something in the shape of a ball rose up. It was Sisu, curled tightly, but starting to stretch. With a gasp, she blinked awake!


When she saw her siblings above her, the dragon’s face lit up. “Pranee! Amba! Jagan! Pengu! Ha ha!”

当看见自己的兄弟姐妹在她上方时,这条神龙的脸上溢出光彩 。“普拉妮!安芭!哲坤!彭谷!哈哈!”

Sisu shouted as she climbed the raindrops to meet them and join their swirling formation. After a long moment, Sisu broke away. She swooped down toward the island.


Raya ran alongside her until, at last, she came to a stop.

“Raya,” Sisu said, her voice full of pride.

Raya was so overcome with joy, she could only reply, “Sisu.”

“I am so hungry,” Sisu said.

“I got some jerky,” Raya joked.

Sisu smiled. “Not that hungry.”







With great relief, Raya buried her face in the dragon’s soft fur. She felt Sisu wrap her in a warm embrace.


“Soo-soo!” cried a little voice. They turned and saw Noi toddling toward them, her little arms outstretched.


Tong, Boun, and the Ongis were right behind her. Tong lifted Noi so she could grab the dragon’s face in her favorite hug.


“Ah! It is good to breathe in your glorious dragon stench again,” Tong said.


“Okay. I’ll take that as a compliment,” Sisu replied, looking past him.


They all turned. Namaari stood a few feet away, watching their reunion, her face a tangle of emotions.


When she met Sisu’s gaze, Namaari’s eyes filled with tears. She ducked her head in shame.


Raya knew what she was thinking. Would the dragon ever forgive her for what she had done?


As if she could read her mind, Sisu swept out her tail. She pulled Namaari, Raya, and all their friends into a great big group hug.




- for good 彻底

The disease has been eradicated, for good. 这种疾病被彻底消灭了。

- twist and turn 蜿蜒曲折

- ripple v. 起涟漪

The financial crisis sent ripples around the globe. 金融危机波及全球。

- compliment n. 赞扬

例:to take sth as a compliment 把某话当成赞美之词(往往有讽刺之意)

- tangle n. 纠缠 v. 缠成一团

My hair is all tangled up. 我的头发都缠到一起了。


majestic adj. 雄伟的,壮观的

majesty: n. 陛下;

Her/His majesty 女王陛下/国王陛下

swell n. 高涨

A swell of pride swept over him. 一股自豪之情涌上他的心头。

tenfold adj./adv. 十倍的

embody v. 象征

throng n. 一大群

swoop v. 俯冲

hover v. 盘旋;处于不稳定状态

A country hovering on the brink of war. 处于战争边缘的国家。

curl v. 卷曲

sibling n. 兄弟姐妹

toddle v. 蹒跚行走

复习: toddler: n. 学步的儿童

stench n. 臭气

compliment n. 赞扬

例:to take sth as a compliment 把某话当成赞美之词(往往有讽刺之意)

