


Cases of a mystery hepatitis virus in Europe and the U.S. are causing concern among international health bodies, following a sharp rise in reports of liver inflation among British children earlier in April. Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands and Spain have now all reported cases of children under 10 suffering from an uncommon hepatitis virus. In several cases, children have needed liver transplants. The European Center for Disease Control said the exact cause of hepatitis in these children remained unknown and investigations were ongoing.

①Cases of a mystery hepatitis virus in Europe and the U.S. are causing concern among international health bodies, following a sharp rise in reports of liver inflation among British children earlier in April.

1. virus n. 病毒
coronavirus n. 新冠病毒

The computer got a virus.

2. cause v. 导致

cause delays 造成延误
cause problems 带来问题

3. following prep. 在……之后

Thousands of refugees left the country following the outbreak of a civil war. 


4. a sharp rise 激增,暴涨(surge/soar)

plummet/dive v. 骤降(fall sharply)

5. liver inflation 肺部过度充气

inflation n. 膨胀,充气(the act of filling something with air);通货膨胀(a general and progressive increase in prices)
inflate v. 充气
inflate the balloon 给气球吹气
inflate a tyre 给轮胎打气

②Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands and Spain have now all reported cases of children under 10 suffering from an uncommon hepatitis virus.

1. children (aged) under 10 十岁以下的儿童

children aged above/over 10 十岁以上的儿童

2. suffer from 忍受,遭受

face the difficulty/hardship 面临困境
suffer from the employment shortage 面临就业短缺的困境

③In several cases, children have needed liver transplants.

1. transplant n. 移植;移栽

organ transplant 器官移植

④The European Center for Disease Control said the exact cause of hepatitis in these children remained unknown and investigations were ongoing. 

1.  exact adj. 确切的

to be exact 确切地说
the exact location 确切的位置

exactly adv. 确切地;恰好,完全
You just said exactly what I’m gonna tell you.

2. ongoing adj. 仍在进行的
go on 继续

  • 小璇2021


    英语何健说 回复 @小璇2021: 小璇加油 很棒

  • 默默想你已经是习惯

    好可怕 世界传染病何时是个头

    英语何健说 回复 @默默想你已经是习惯: 希望孩子们能没事

  • eigosz8ly89bpm4e930u

    Liver inflation 不应该是肝充气吗

  • 小璇2021


  • 小璇2021
