乔安娜·林莉 | 朗读绘本故事《你在哪里,蓝袋鼠?》

乔安娜·林莉 | 朗读绘本故事《你在哪里,蓝袋鼠?》


Blue kangaroo belonged to Lily. He was her very own kangaroo. Sometimes Blue Kangaroo disappeared and Lily would say, “ Where are you, Blue Kangaroo?” And Blue Kangaroo waited for Lily to find him.


One day, Lily's friend, Florence, took Lily to the park. “ Hold tight to Blue Kangaroo!” said Florence.


Lily swung on the swings and she wasn't scared on the slide. “I love ice cream!” said Lily… and Blue Kangaroo wondered if Lily had forgotten him.


As they were leaving Lily suddenly shrieked, “Where are you Blue Kangaroo?” 


“Did you leave him on the slide?” asked Florence.


“Here he is,” smiled Lily.


“You must try to be more careful,” said Florence.


The next Saturday, Lily's aunt Jemima took Lily shopping.


“Hold tight to Blue Kangaroo!” said Aunt Jemima.


On the bus, Lilly met a nice lady wearing a large pink hat. “I love buses,” said Lily, as they reached their stop…and Blue Kangaroo wondered if he'd ever see her again.


They hadn't gone very far when Lily shrieked, “Where are you, Blue Kangaroo?”


“You didn't leave him on the bus ,did you, Lily?” asked Aunt Jemima.


“I think you forgot someone!” said the nice lady in the pink hat.


“Lily!” said Aunt Jemima, “You must be more careful.”


On Sunday, Uncle George took Lily to the zoo. “Hold tight Blue Kangaroo,” said Uncle George.


“I like the lions...” said Lily, “but I love the monkeys. Can we buy them some nuts?”


And Blue Kangaroo felt very anxious. “Shall I get six bags?” asked Lily.


 “No, just one...”  said Uncle George, “...and then we'll visit the real kangaroos.”


But Blue Kangaroo had already gone already... “WHERE AER YOU, BLUE KANGAROO? ” shrieked Lily.


“Is that your kangaroo?” asked the zoo-keeper, “We'd better take him back before they get too fond of him.”


“You're lucky he didn't end up with the lions,” said the zookeeper, “Now you tuck him away somewhere safe.”


That night Lily tucked Blue Kangaroo into bed. “We're going to the seaside tomorrow...” she said, and she fell asleep with Blue Kangaroo in her arms.


But blue kangaroo couldn't sleep he worried and worried. Then he slipped out of bed and hopped across the carpet towards the door...


In the morning, Lily took looked everywhere for Blue Kangaroo but she couldn't find him. They looked in all the usual places.


“Did you leave him in the garden?” asked her mother. Everyone searched high and low, but Blue Kangaroo was nowhere to be found.


“It looks as if you really have lost him this time.” said Lily's mother.


Lily ran to her room and slammed the door. “Where, oh where are you Blue Kangaroo?” she sobbed.


Lily wiped her tears away... and guess who she saw? “You naughty Blue Kangaroo!” she said...and she never let Blue Kangaroo out of her sight, ever, again.


