伊娃·格林 | 我如何保持健康

伊娃·格林 | 我如何保持健康


Do you have a wellness routine? What does it consist of?你有保持健康的习惯吗?它里面包含些什么?
Well, do you want to know the truth? I have to run every morning. It’s funny because I wake up quite nervous for some reason, so I have to run to let the demons out. So I need to run.你想知道真相吗?我每天早上都要跑步。这很有趣,因为出于某种原因我,我早上醒来时会相当紧张,所以我必须通过跑步来释放恶魔。我需要跑步。
When on set, how do you make time for yourself?在片场的时候,你怎么为自己腾出时间来?
When I am on set, it’s quite difficult to really relax. I mean I am always more like an animal ready to go in my trailer. But I always listen to music actually to help me focus, concentrate. I find it very helpful.当我在片场时,很难真正地放松。我总觉得自己更像一只准备好进入拖车的动物。但实际上我会听音乐来帮助自己集中注意力。我觉得很有帮助。
When away from home, what are your favourite places to relax?你离开家时,最喜欢去什么地方放松?
I think one of my favourite places to relax is the mountains. I absolutely love hiking in the mountains, with my dog. It’s kind of a mediation thing. I really manage to connect with nature. I really feel the power of nature when I am surrounded by mountains.我最喜欢去放松的地方是山里。我非常喜欢和我的狗狗一起在山中徒步旅行。这是一种调解方式。我真的很努力地去接触大自然。当我被群山环绕时,我真的能感受到大自然的力量。
How do you manage to save time for yourself and your loved ones?你是如何腾出时间给自己还有自己的爱人的?
Well, I have to say that it’s quite difficult in our crazy world. You know, it’s very hard to disconnect. I am at war with myself constantly about that. It’s just to find the time for yourself. You know, to have a bath, light some candles, listen to some lovely soothing music, read a book. Just...我不得不说在这个疯狂的世界上,要做到这点很难。断开联系非常难,我经常为此和自己争吵。只是拥有一点自己的时间,去洗个澡,点亮烛光,听一些舒缓的音乐,看看书。就这样......
How do you collect yourself in nerve-racking situations?你如何让自己在心烦意乱的时候集中精力?
I always try to breathe. I think it really helps if you can have like deep breaths when you are very anxious. You know you have this thing in the stomach. So it’s just to accept the situation. That’s the difficulty, you can’t do anything about it, try to take some perspective and good luck!我会尝试深呼吸。我觉得你在很焦虑的时候做深呼吸真的很有帮助。你心里一直想着这个事情,所以只有接受现实。虽然很困难,但是你也做不了什么,所以尝试从另一些角度看问题,然后祝自己好运!

  • 麦麦迪Melody

    Good suggestions

  • 阿华_0e


  • 學蓮台北


  • 静静爱英语呀
