The Old Man and The Sea 老人与海-Part 3

The Old Man and The Sea 老人与海-Part 3



Part 3

When the boy came back the old man was asleep in the chair and the sun was down. The boy took the old army blanket off the bed and spread it over the back of the chair and over the old man's shoulders.

男孩回来的时候,老人坐在椅子上睡着了,而太阳也已经下山。小孩把床上的旧军毯拿来铺 在椅背上,并用部分盖着老人的肩膀。

They were strange shoulders, still powerful although very old, and the neck was still strong too and the creases did not show so much when the old man was asleep and his head fallen forward. His shirt had been patched so many times that it was like the sail and the patches were faded to many different shades by the sun. The old man's head was very old though and with his eyes closed there was no life in his face. The newspaper lay across his knees and the weight of his arm held it there in the evening breeze. He was barefooted.

老人的肩膀虽然年老,但依旧健壮有力,他的脖子也还是那么坚挺,即使是睡着,头朝前垂 下,颈上的皱纹仍不太明显。他的衬衫就像他的帆一样,补过好多次补钉,而随着长久以来 阳光的照射,这些补钉早已褪成深浅不同的颜色。不过,老人的头部却显得相当衰老,只要 他把眼睛闭上,脸上便看不出任何生命的迹象了。报纸摊在他的膝盖上,二只手臂的重量使 它不被黄昏的微风吹走。老人的双脚赤裸着。

The boy left him there and when he came back the old man was still asleep. "Wake up old man," the boy said and put his hand on one of the old man's knees. The old man opened his eyes and for a moment he was coming back from a long way away. Then he smiled. "What have you got?" he asked. "Supper," said the boy. "We're going to have supper." "I'm not very hungry." "Come on and eat. You can't fish and not eat. "I have," the old man said getting up and taking the newspaper and folding it. Then he started to fold the blanket.

男孩留他一个人睡着。当他回来的时候,老人仍在熟睡中。「醒醒吧,老先生!」男孩把手 放在老人一边的膝盖上说。老人睁开了眼,过了好一会儿才醒过来,他笑了。「你弄到些什 么东西?」他问。「晚餐。」小孩说:「我们要吃晚饭了。」「我并不很饿。」「快来吃嘛!你不能够光打渔而不吃东西呀。」「我有吃。」老人说着站起来,把报纸迭起来收好。然后 开始折毯子。

"Keep the blanket around you," the boy said. "You'll not fish without eating while I'm alive." "Then live a long time and take care of yourself," the old man said, "What are we eating?" "Black beans and rice, fried bananas, and some stew." The boy had brought them in a two-decker metal container from the Terrace. The two sets of knives and forks and spoons were in his pocket with a paper napkin wrapped around each set. "Who gave this to you?" "Martin. The owner." "I must thank him."

「用毯子围着你的身体嘛!」男孩说:「只要我还活着一天,我绝对不让你光打渔,而不吃 东西。」「那么你就该好好照顾自己,活长一点,」老人问:「我们现在吃什么呢?」「黑 豆、米饭、煎香蕉,还有一些炖肉。」男孩把这些东西装在双层金属容器中,从露天酒店带 了回来。在他的口里,还有两组包在餐巾纸里的刀叉和汤匙。「这是谁给你的?」「马丁,那家餐馆的老板。」「我得谢谢他。」

"I thanked him already," the boy said. "You don't need to thank him." "I'll give him the belly meat of a big fish," the old man said. "Has he done this for us more than once?" "I think so." "I must give him something more than the belly meat then. He is very thoughtful for us." "He sent two beers." "I like the beer in cans best." "I know. But this is in bottles, Hatuey beer, and I take back the bottles." "That's very kind of you," the old man said. "Should we eat?"

「我已经谢过他了,」男孩说:「你不需要再谢他了。」「我会把大鱼的肚子肉给他,」老 人说:「他这么招待我们好像不止一次了吧?」「我想是的。」「那么,除了鱼肚子肉,我 还得给他一些别的东西。他对我们真是太体贴了。」「他还送了两瓶啤酒呢!」「我最喜欢

罐装啤酒。」「我知道,但是这是瓶装的海之味啤酒,我会把瓶子退回去。」「你能这样做 真是太好了!」老人说:「我们可以开始吃了吧?」

"I've been asking you to," the boy told him gently. "I have not wished to open the container until you were ready." "I'm ready now," the old man said. "I only needed time to wash." Where did you wash? The boy thought. The village water supply was two streets down the road. I must have water here for him, the boy thought, and soap and a good towel. Why am I so thoughtless? I must get him another shirt and a jacket for the winter and some sort of shoes and another blanket. "Your stew is excellent," the old man said.

「我一直在等你吃啊,」男孩温和地说:「在你没准备好要吃之前,我不想把饭盒打开。」 「我已经准备好了,」老人说:「我只是需要一点时间冲洗一下。」你在什么地方洗啊?男 孩想。这村庄的水源供应处和这里足足隔了二条街。我得把水端来这儿给他,男孩想,还要 再弄块肥皂和一条好的毛巾来。我怎么这么粗心?我还必须给他弄件冬天的衬衫和夹克,还 得弄双象样的鞋,再弄条毯子。「这炖肉很好吃,」老人说。

"Tell me about the baseball," the boy asked him. "In the American League it is the Yankees as I said," the old man said happily. "They lost today," the boy told him. "That means nothing. The great DiMaggio is himself again." "They have other men on the team." "Naturally. But he makes the difference. In the other league, between Brooklyn and Philadelphia I must take Brooklyn. But then I think of Dick Sisler and those great drives in the old park." "There was nothing ever like them. He hits the longest ball I have ever seen."

「讲讲棒球赛的事吧!」男孩央求老人。「就如我所说的,在美国职业棒球联盟里,只有洋 基队够看。」老人高兴地说着。「他们今天输了,」男孩告诉老人。「那不算什么,伟大的 狄玛基欧今天又恢复了昔日雄风。」「可是他们队里还有其它队员啊。」「是没错,可是有 他就不同了。在另外一个棒球联盟里,在布鲁克林队和费城队间,我一定会选择布鲁克林队,不过我会想到的是狄克塞斯乐还有他在旧公园球场里所击出的那些好球。」「没有任何人能 击出像他那样的球,他击出的球是我看过最远的。」

"Do you remember when he used to come to the Terrace? I wanted to take him fishing but I was too timid to ask him. Then I asked you to ask him and you were too timid." "I know. It was a great mistake. He might have gone with us. Then we would have that for all of our lives." "I would like to take the great DiMaggio fishing," the old man said. "They say his father was a fisherman. Maybe he was as poor as we are and would understand." "The great Sisler's father was never poor and he, the father, was playing in the Big Leagues when he was my age."

「你记不记得他以前时常到露天酒店来?我本来要带他一起去捕鱼,当时我不好意思开口问 他,于是就叫你去问他,而你也不好意思开口。」「我记得啊,那真是一个天大的错误,他 或许会跟我们去的,如果是那样,我们一辈子都会记得这件事的 。」「我想带伟大的狄玛基 欧去捕渔,」老人说:「听说他父亲也是个渔夫,或许他跟我们一样穷过,能够了解我们的 情况啊。」「伟大的塞斯乐的父亲一辈子可是都没穷过噢,他父亲在我这个年纪的时候就在 打职棒大联盟了。」

"When I was your age I was before the mast on a square rigged ship that ran to Africa and I have seen lions on the beaches in the evening." "I know. You told me." "Should we talk about Africa or about baseball?" "Baseball I think," the boy said. "Tell me about the great John J. McGraw." He said Jota for J. "He used to come to the Terrace sometimes too in the older days. But he was rough and harsh-spoken and difficult when he was drinking. His mind was on horses as well as baseball.

 「我在你这个年纪时,就在一艘开往非洲的方帆船上当水手了。那时晚上我在海滩上看见过 狮子。」「我知道,你跟我说过。」「我们要谈非洲还是棒球呢?」「我想谈棒球好了,」 男孩说:「说说看,伟大的约翰.杰.马圭诺怎么样了?」他把他的小名杰(J)念成荷达(用西班牙文发音)。」「很久以前,他有时也会到露天酒店来。不过,这个人喝了酒就会 变得很粗鲁,说话刺耳,脾气暴躁。他心里惦记着棒球也想着马匹。

At least he carried lists of horses at all times in his pocket and frequently spoke the names of horses on the telephone." "He was a great manager," the boy said. "My father thinks he was the greatest." "Because he came here the most times," the old man said. "If Durocher had continued to come here each year your father would think him the greatest manager." "Who is the greatest manager, really, Luque or Mike Gonzalez?" "I think they are equal. "And the best fisherman is you." " No. I know others better."

至少他口袋里总是带着好几份马的名单,电话里也开口闭口就是马的名字 。」「他是个优秀 的经理人才,」男孩说:「我父亲认为他是在这方面可说是顶尖高手 。」「那是因为他时常 到这里来。」老人说:「如果杜瑞奇持续每年都到这里来的话,你父亲就会认为他才是最了 不起的经理人才。」「究竟谁才真正是最顶尖的经理人才,鲁格、麦克或是冈查列兹啊?」 「我相信他们应该是伯仲之间。」「而最棒的渔夫,就是你了。」「不,我知道别人比我更了不起。」

"Que va," the boy said. "There are many good fishermen and some great ones. But there is only you." "Thank you. You make me happy. I hope no fish will come along so great that he will prove us wrong. "There is no such fish if you are still strong as you say," "I may not be as strong as I think," the old man said. "But I know many tricks and I have resolution." "You ought to go to bed now so that you will be fresh in the morning. I will take the things back to the Terrace."

「怎么会呢?」男孩用墨西哥话说:「是有很多不错的渔夫,有些也顶优秀的,但是只有你 是最棒的。」「谢谢你,你让我好高兴。我希望到时不会出现一条让我无法对付的大鱼,来 证明我们根本是在胡说人道。」「只要你像你所说的,依然那么健壮的话,就不会有这样一 条鱼的。」「我也许没像我自己所想象的那么强壮吧。」老人说:「不过我倒知道很多诀窍,而且我有决心和毅力。」「你现在该去睡觉了,明天早上精神才会好。我把这些东西送回露 天酒店去。」

"Good night then. I will wake you in the morning." "You're my alarm clock." the boy said. "Age is my alarm clock," the old man said. "Why do old men wake so early? Is it to have one longer day?" "I don't know, the boy said. All I know is that young boys sleep late and hard." "I can remember it," the old man said. "I'll waken you in time." "I do not like for him to waken me. It is as though I were inferior." "I know." "Sleep well old man.

「那么晚安了。明天一早我就来叫醒你。」「你真是我的闹钟。」男孩说。「年龄是我的闹钟。」老人说:「为什么上了年纪的人总是醒得那么早呢?难道是希望这一天过得长一点吗?」 「我不晓得。」男孩说:「我只知道年轻的孩子早上老是起不来,而且睡得沈。」「我记得。」 老人说:「我会在时间还没太晚之前就把你叫醒的。」「我不喜欢让那人叫醒我,这样好像 是我比不上他似的。」「我了解。」「老先生,好好睡吧。」

The boy went out. They had eaten with no light on the table and the old an took off his trousers and went to bed in the dark. He rolled his trousers up to make a pillow, putting the newspaper inside them. He rolled himself in the blanket and slept on the other old newspapers that covered the springs of the bed.

男孩走了。他们在没有灯光的桌子上吃完了晚餐之后,老人便脱下了长裤,在黑暗中上了床。 他把裤子卷起来,再塞些报纸进去便成了枕头。然后,他把自己也卷进毛毯里,睡在另一张 由旧报纸覆盖着的弹簧床上。

  • 听友370707739

    very good

  • 听友228969781

    very nice

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