The family book 有关家庭的书 (中英双语)

The family book 有关家庭的书 (中英双语)




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The family book 



Some families are big.

Some families are small.

Some families are the samecolor.

Some families are differentcolors.

All families are like to hugeach other!

Some families live near eachother.

Some families live far from eachother.

Some families look alike.

Some families look like theirpets.

All families are sad when theylose someone they love.

Some families have a stepmom orstepdad and stepsisters or stepbrothers.

Some families adopt children.

Some families have two moms ortwo dads.

Some families have one parentinstead of two.

All families like to celebratespecial days together!

Some families eat the samethings.

Some families eat differentthings.

Some families like to be quiet.

Some families like to be noisy.

Some families like to be clean.

Some families like to be messy.

Some families live in a house bythemselves.

Some families share a house withother families.

All families can help each otherbe strong!

There are lots of different waysto be a family.

Your family is special no matterwhat kind it is.


  • 戒爱_vh

    程潇smiling 回复 @戒爱_vh: jjl'

  • ella_yq

  • 1319991ffgf


  • Lichee_6d

    特别特别好,the best one

    技術為王 回复 @Lichee_6d:

  • ella_yq

  • 听友94636821


  • ella_yq

  • 1319991ffgf


    1319991ffgf 回复 @1319991ffgf: ǔ uui

  • ella_yq

  • ella_yq