


The US Supreme Court is to include a black female justice for the first time in its 233-year history after the Senate confirmed Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson to the nine-member bench. Three Republicans crossed the aisle to seal her appointment by a vote of 53 to 47. Ms Jackson, 51, will replace Justice Stephen Breyer, a fellow liberal judge for whom she once clerked, upon his retirement in June. The lifetime appointment will likely see Ms Jackson on the bench for decades, but will not shift the ideological balance of the current court, with its 6-3 conservative majority.

①The US Supreme Court is to include a black female justice for the first time in its 233-year history after the Senate confirmed Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson to the nine-member bench. 

1. supreme adj. 拥有最高权利的
Supreme Court 最高法院

2. female adj. 女性的
male adj. 男性的

3. justice n. 法官;正义,公正
injustice n. 不公正

They are demanding justice.

4. bench n. 长椅,长凳;法官席位或职位

②Three Republicans crossed the aisle to seal her appointment by a vote of 53 to 47. 

1. cross the aisle 一个党派中的成员做出了出人意料的行为或举动

aisle n. 过道,走道

2. seal n. 印章;蜂蜡 v. 封印;确认,确定

seal one’s appointment 确定任命
seal a deal 确定交易
seal a contract 确定合同

③Ms Jackson, 51, will replace Justice Stephen Breyer, a fellow liberal judge for whom she once clerked, upon his retirement in June.

1. liberal judge 自由派法官

liberal adj. 自由的
liberal economy 自由经济
liberal trade relations 自由贸易关系

conservative adj. 保守派的

2. fellow adj. 同伴的(形容两人情况或身份相似)

fellow citizens 公民同胞
fellow politicians 政界同事

3. clerk v. 当职员 n. 职员

bank clerk 银行办事人员
sales clerk 售货员

4. upon prep. 在……后立即(on)

Upon/On entering the room she saw him.
once upon a time 从前

④The lifetime appointment will likely see Ms Jackson on the bench for decades, but will not shift the ideological balance of the current court, with its 6-3 conservative majority. 

1. lifetime adj. 终身的
lifetime learning 终身学习

2. see v. (时代等)以……为特点、经历……

These islands have seen a lot of history. 
The 5th century saw the end of the Roman Empire in the West.

4. shift v. 改变(change)

5. ideological adj. 意识形态的
ideology n. 意识形态

  • 神行者2024

    Supreme court,最高法院,bench法官席位,cross the aisle出奇的举动,seal确认,seal one's appointment确认任命,conservative保守派的,liberal自由的,clerk职员,lifetime终身的,ideological意识形态

    英语何健说 回复 @神行者2024: 小神好!

  • 默默想你已经是习惯

    牛掰啊 女人能进最高院 今天的新闻有点难

    英语何健说 回复 @默默想你已经是习惯:

  • 菲菲星光
