相约2050@2023 by 2050自愿者们

相约2050@2023 by 2050自愿者们


2050自愿者,大家好! 非常抱歉原定于2022年4月22日-24日在杭州云栖小镇举办的2050@2022活动,因为疫情而带来的全球旅行不便,将延期至2023年4月,与2050@2023合并举行。 非常感谢每一位自愿者为2050付出的每一分钟。自2018年2050活动发起以来,有来自全球超过300多个城市的自愿者参加过2050的活动,每一个人都能感受到年青人相互见面的珍贵。自愿者张博把他在2019年的2050环球飞行经历写成了书。这本名为《环球扶摇九万里》的新书也恰巧将在2022年4月21日发布。一定会有更多2050的故事。 我们错过了2022,但一定不会错过2050!
 Hi 2050 Volunteers,
I am very sorry that the 2050@2022 event will be postponed. 2050@2022 was originally scheduled to be held in Yunqi Town, Hangzhou from April 22 to 24, 2022. However, due to the inconvenience of global travel caused by the coronavirus epidemic, 2050@2022 will be postponed to April 2023 and will be held together with 2050@2023.
Every minute contributed by each 2050 volunteer is greatly appreciated. Since the launch of the 2050 event in 2018, volunteers from more than 300 cities around the world have participated and everyone can feel how precious it is for the young people to meet each other in person. Volunteer Bo Zhang wrote a book about his 2050 around-the-world flying experience in 2019. Surprisingly, this new book “Dream Big – Bo Zhang Around the World in 68 Days” will be launched on April 21, 2022. There are definitely more 2050 stories to be told.
We missed 2022, but we will sure meet in 2050.
Wang Jian,Founder, Yunqi Science and Technology Innovation Foundation of Hangzhou

