Do you ever have a task you need to complete but however urgent it may be, you just don't get on and do it?
From doing the housework to writing an assignment, there's always something I can put off until tomorrow.
Being a procrastinator is quite easy.
There are so many other more interesting distractions such as watching funny cat videos on the internet or catching up with friends on social media!
But Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, once wisely said that: 'You may delay, but time will not', in other words, the time we waste now is gone forever,但美国国父之一本杰明·富兰克林曾睿智地说:“你可以拖延,但时间不会”,换句话说,我们现在浪费的时间已经一去不复返了,
so maybe I should pull my socks up and get on with what I should be doing.
The reason why many of us delay doing something is that we live for the present not the future.
We are reluctant to engage in tasks that relate to the future – sorting something out now that will benefit us in the future doesn't seem like a priority.
Daphna Oyserman, Professor of Psychology at the University of Southern California, says that "many things that are quite important about the future require that we start doing things now rather than waiting for later to happen ... waiting till later means that we won't have much time."
南加州大学心理学教授 Daphna Oyserman 说:“许多对未来非常重要的事情要求我们现在就开始做事,而不是等到以后发生……等到以后就意味着我们赢了。”时间不多。”
So get on with it now rather than have a last-minute panic later!But it's hard to muster any enthusiasm when there are tedious chores to be done, so how can I control my lack of focus and knuckle down to what really needs to be done?
One idea is temptation bundling – doing two activities together – one that is boring but essential and one that you enjoy but isn't so productive.
Planning is essential too and we should never underestimate how long things will take us.
However, Dr Catherine Loveday from Westminster University warns us about a 'planning fallacy' thinking we can get something done quickly.
She says "We never seem to get any better at judging time in the future and how long things will take us."
Maybe for now, I'll make a cup of tea, and ponder on these thoughts before I crack on with some important tasks – anyway, there's always tomorrow.
task 任务
put off 延后,拖延
procrastinator 托拉的人
distraction 分心的事,分散注意力的东西
pull my socks up 努力加油干,加把劲儿
live for the present 活在当下
reluctant 勉强的,不情愿的
engage 参与
priority 优先考虑的事情,重要的事情
last-minute 最后一刻的
muster 激起(某种感情)
knuckle down 开始努力工作
temptation bundling 诱惑捆绑(把一件需要做但枯燥的事情和一件有趣的事情连在一起做,合二为一)
productive 有效率的
underestimate 低估
fallacy 谬论,谬见
ponder 沉思,考虑
to crack on 赶快加速继续(工作)