



How does adinosaur go to school?

Does he walk?

Does he ride in abusy car pool?

Does he drag hislong tail?

Is he late for thebus?

Does he stomp allfour feet?

Does he make a bigfuss?

When he got toschool, does he roughhouse and punch?

Does he race upthe stairs

right ahead of thebell?

Does he interruptclass

with his ownshow-and-tell?

Does a dinosauryell?

And when in theclassroom,

plunked down inhis chair,

Does a dinosaurfidget, his tail in the air?

Does he growlduring lessons,

or roar out ofturn?

Does he make ittoo hard

for the others tolearn?

Does he stir upthe classroom

by making a noise?

Does he tease allthe girls?

Does he pick onthe boys?


A dinosaurcarefully raises his hand.

He helps out hisclassmates

with projectsthey’ve planned.

At recess, heplays with a number of friends

and growls at thebullies, till bullying ends.

He tidies hisdesk,

Then he leaps outthe door.

Good work. Goodwork, little dinosaur.

