Unit 47 Shopping online

Unit 47 Shopping online


Nowadays,more and more people are shopping online. It is a trend that has beenaround for a while and still going strong. Shopping online is reallyconvenient because it can save you a lot of time and money. Insteadof driving your car to a faraway shopping mall or a crowdeddepartment store, you can stay at home and place your orders. All youhave to do is sit in front of your computer, browse websites and makeyour own choices. They’ll even deliver your goods to your door.

Shopping online couldn’t be more convenient, but you shouldbeware. Sometimes, the goods sold online are not as good as theadvertisements claim. Besides, it is very likely that you may getfakes. Worse still, some websites are designed to steal informationlike your PINs from you. Therefore, whenever you feel like shoppingonline, you should do it with extreme caution.

